Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 For some authors perspective provides both the laws of perception and also the key to the true and rational representation of objects .
2 The Municipal Corporations Act 1835 specifically excluded all women from the local borough franchise , but single women continued to enjoy the vote and even the right to be elected in many parishes and important local bodies , such as the Poor Law Guardians , associated with them ( Hollis 1987 ) .
3 The Dawsons themselves had enthusiastically helped to heave it over a rut and up the slope to the garage .
4 Footsteps went past in the corridor and then the door to the Governor 's office opened .
5 The audience flowed in behind as Argyll and his tall , rawboned wife dragged Elizabeth , screaming , swearing , fighting every step , out of the hall and up the stair to the empty guest room next to his own .
6 The directorate of Collections and Preservation has recently collaborated with Professor Kevin Kiernan of the University of Kentucky , to produce digitally enhanced images of the Beowulf manuscript and hence the answers to some mysteries which have long perplexed Beowulf scholars .
7 While cutting rebates and slots , two problems occurred on the curved members , firstly the glazing rebate because of the weight and length of curved members and the limited table size of my router , I decided to take the router to the wood and not the wood to the router but then realised I would be machining away the surface I wanted to guide the router on i.e the inside face which is the true radius .
8 Flames melted a lead pipe and ignited leaking gas causing the fire to spread along the passageway and up the stairwell to the second floor .
9 They walked back through the kitchen and down the hallway to the front entrance of the house .
10 It is the human being who will be faced with the opportunity and perhaps the temptation to be violent , and who will make the decision as to which path to follow .
11 They went through Mill Hill Circus just a hundred yards behind the bleeper and up the slope to Five Ways Corner .
12 On the basis of these findings , Shattil et al ( 1975 ) postulated that cholesterol enrichment of the platelet membrane might affect the membrane fluidity and consequently the sensitivity to aggregating agonists .
13 Well , if I may , Chair , I would like deal with it in terms of the principle or the policy and then the application to highways planning .
14 Henry passed the horseradish sauce and then the gravy to the Major 's wife .
15 We all left , going through the kitchen , out across the courtyard and down the trackway to the church .
16 But a view of Co-operation which admitted only those who are thus motivated would make it an exceptional and exclusive creed to which could subscribe only those for whom Co-operation was itself the end and not the means to a better life , to one which enhanced what Dahrendorf calls a man 's life chances .
17 On the N side the square at No. 1/269 is a low attractive building , originally a brewery , U Halánků and now the entrance to the Náprstek Museum or Museum of Australasian , African and American Cultures .
18 And our knowhow in finance brings the Italians , the French and even the Germans to our doorstep .
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