Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adv] [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During the Open Forum Gordon Graham , a former PA president and now editor of Logos , expressed concern that because of the United Nations sanctions against Serbia , British books were not reaching that country .
2 A&R departments habitually shadow each other according to John Giacobbi , former BMG lawyer and now head of Entertainment Law Associates .
3 It is 4,451 km long and crosses 150 km of perma-frost , 700km of swamp and over 500km of mountains .
4 The wiring harness is quite an expensive item in car and obviously manufacturers of cars are very anxious to reduce the cost as much as possible .
5 AT Abberton Reservoir on May 9 to cover the final wildfowl count of the 1992/3 season , conditions were still distinctly wintry with a strong and chilling north-easterly wind and squally showers of rain .
6 But TCR- -positive DP cells have been detected in the late embryonic thymus and about 1% of TCR - -positive cells in the postnatal TCR- β mutant thymus are DP ( data not shown ) .
7 Krísuvík is south and slightly west of Reykjavik , reached by a road across a beautiful lava field and through valleys that are almost civilized , or by a fine walk that takes these valleys and continues along a ridge above the bird-filled lake of Kleífarvatn .
8 He was much impressed by the strength , circumstance and indeed amenities of Scotland 's foremost port .
9 No significant correlations were apparent between creatinine clearance and either duration of mesalazine treatment or cumulative mesalazine dose .
10 It is effectively colour-sided , with a broad area of white along the back and tail ( finchback ) which catches the light like a halo , and there is usually a white patch ( not clearly defined ) on each thigh and often areas of white on the brisket and lower legs .
11 Suharto held talks with Nguyen Van Linh , secretary-general of the Communist Party of Vietnam , with Vo Chi Cong , President of the State Council and effectively head of state , and with Do Muoi , Chairman of the Council of Ministers , which focused on prospects for co-operation between the two countries , and on Cambodia , which was also discussed in a meeting between Alatas and his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Co Thach .
12 He had been forced out by the controversy surrounding a video recording , made public by the opposition , which showed Mladenov ( at the time President of the State Council and thus head of State ) suggesting that tanks be used to crush an anti-government demonstration on Dec. 14 , 1989 [ see p. 37110 ] .
13 Its consequences are hostility to the strong state and vanguard party and sympathy with pluralism and perhaps forms of anarchism .
14 The much-travelled Allison , 65 , coaching consultant and now caretaker-manager of Division One 's bottom club , immediately ruled himself out of the job full-time .
15 Neil Fitzgerald profiles the Virgin man turned health boss and now head of Oftel .
16 And no puzzle of human design can match the complexity and ingenuity required to build a nest — weaving the moss , twigs , pieces of hair and even lengths of wool and man-made fibres , collected in a myriad shapes and lengths , into a cosy den that no human could ever imitate .
17 Make your own natural remedy by melting 40g of beeswax in a double boiler , blending in 30g of honey and then 55g of sesame oil .
18 This is somewhat similar to Olson 's ( 1982 ) argument that the rise and then decline of countries can be linked to their degree of pluralism — an argument which has found little substantial empirical support .
19 What better way of starting such a series than by talking to Asa Briggs , Lord Briggs , prominent author and historian , previous Vice-Chancellor of the University and now Provost of Worcester College , Oxford ?
20 If this intercommunication is not properly arranged there will be the familiar symptoms of frustrating reiteration , decisions being misunderstood or being constantly revised , political manoeuvring and even concealment of progress within one or more of the teams .
21 ‘ Opposition ’ states now embrace 58% of the population and nearly 80% of GNP .
22 Several ancient men in worn and baggy clothes sit at separate tables drinking neat whiskey and half pints of Beamish .
23 Jak , a former Air Force Squadron Leader and now captain of Aircam based at Teesside Airport , added : ‘ It 's better fun that flying a Buccaneer . ’
24 On leaving the Crown Agents he became a director of Midland Bank and chairman of Thomas Cook , which Midland Bank owned , and he became a director and subsequently chairman of Brooke Bond and a director and subsequently chairman of Royal Insurance .
25 Both the house expenses , the , the room and also provision of food and cleaning things for the presum for because of the involvement with children .
26 Mosley was there instead , his collar undone , casually attired without an official blazer and not sign of leather .
27 Some degree of tachycardia was experienced by all patients during the procedure and approximately 23% of patients in each group showed appreciable tachycardia during the procedure .
28 Relaxation of the rules regarding the form of business organisation through which architects in private practice are able to offer their services may bring about structural change in terms of type of organisation and also size of practice .
29 My closest friend in the university was Professor B.R. Pearn , first Registrar and then Professor of History .
30 The answers received will be analysed in tabular form for statistical presentation and so categories of response must be considered at a relatively early stage .
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