Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [pers pn] into the " in BNC.

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1 They 'd thrown her into a Jeep and driven her into the Heide , through the woods , to a large wooden building hidden in the trees .
2 Rosie had bitten him twice in the past ; once when she managed to free herself by chewing through her tethering-rope , and once when she leaped through the window of Buddie 's jeep and chased him into the pig-yard .
3 They 're saying is , it 'd be nice if you could take something that 's a holistic perception and fragment it into the component parts .
4 Turning her back , she weighed the hammer and smashed it into the centre of the clay skull at her feet .
5 Nevil choked me until I almost passed out , then he lifted me out of the driver 's seat and bundled me into the back of Armstrong , hitting me on the back of the neck with what could have been an anvil but was probably his fist .
6 She got the revolver off the back seat and put it into the glove compartment with the cartridges .
7 ‘ She was driving very fast , ’ he said as he folded the map round the photograph and tucked it into the inner pocket of the waterproof saddlebag .
8 Monks tied the locket to a heavy weight and dropped it into the water .
9 The striker took the ball in his stride and powered it into the top right hand corner from 25 yards .
10 With horror and doubt on his face , the elder seizes a pitchfork and hurls it into the gangster 's back ’ It could be argued from the Kantian standpoint that the elder had failed in his duty by not upholding the sect 's fundamental principle of non-violence .
11 In the sedimentation tube technique the particles are released simultaneously from the water surface , a process achieved by holding a 2–5 g sample on a platen by means of a wetting agent and lowering it into the water surface .
12 One of the assistants took Ruth into a fitting-room and helped her into the dress , then stood back to admire the effect .
13 He threw the luggage into the boot of her hired car and helped her into the front seat .
14 The boy carried her out into the snow and pushed her into the ground , turning her so that she faced the tent and the cluster of trees that formed their crude and failing shelter .
15 Once , he even put a live spider on a piece of tape and forced it into the terrified 11-year-old 's mouth .
16 She took out a cassette tape and pushed it into the car 's tape-deck .
17 When they 'd finished , Mina put the rice , a handful at a time , into the winnowing fan and tossed it into the air .
18 Attach a suitable length of string to the spring and push it into the pipe , twisting It slightly .
19 A coal-black manservant came out to the carriage and showed them into the house .
20 Heeding this good advice , she found her key and pushed it into the lock .
21 After watching Red class tell the story of wool and incorporate it into the morning school assembly , she commented ‘ they did very well and were absolutely delightful . ’
22 He just stood looking down at her for a moment , his eyes still pleading , and then abruptly he turned and picked up the tray and carried it into the kitchen for her .
23 Dan felt an urge to take back his fist and slam it into the old woman 's teeth .
24 After he had read it aloud he crumpled the note up in his fist and thrust it into the fire as if the very sight of it was hateful .
25 ‘ It makes them more responsible for their own work and gets them into the idea that they have to work outside normal school hours .
26 She went to the window and watched him into the street , then into his car , then out of sight .
27 They were trying to isolate the gene that produces insulin and insert it into the nucleus of a bacterium , so that you could get a self-replicating life-form which could then be used in the treatment of diabetes , or else it could provide a source of insulin that was n't animal-derived and did n't give you rejection problems .
28 And then the bought the drill hall and turned it into the public hall and presented it to the island .
29 She came out , saw me in the passage and hurried me into the lounge .
30 ‘ First you will break up your malicious machine and throw it into the sea .
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