Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] into a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But last night Livingstone tracked his Newton Aycliffe rival and surged into a winning lead 200 metres from the finish .
2 Madame then settled back in her seat and fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the journey , full of good food and wine , and liqueurs , while Ellie stared back out of the window and tried to make some sense of all that had just been said , and all that had just happened .
3 Once they start to hatch the emerging fry will be picked up in the parent 's mouth and deposited into a pre-dug pit , or under the edge of a rock .
4 Most German manufacturers have their ‘ house bank ’ , often a major shareholder and locked into an enduring relationship .
5 As soon as they pass their driving test , they can get out of the supervised test car and hop into a two or three litre car and off they go down the road to possibly death and destruction .
6 Fold the whipped cream into the custard and pour into a rigid polythene container .
7 React To Rhythm , Superreal , and Spooky are all a sophisticated hybrid of US and European influences , shot through with a dub sensibility and turned into a driving , expanded hypnodance sound .
8 He switched off the light and fell into an uneasy sleep troubled by dreams in which Gwen Evans , Sheila Lennox and Jenny Connon blended and merged into one .
9 Maggie glared at him but he bent again and locked the Porsche , pocketing the key and shrugging into a thick leather jacket .
10 Anthony Andrews , so often seen as the archetypal urbane Englishman , turns in a performance of immense depth and sympathy as Miller , who is accused of spying and cast into a barbarous prison camp .
11 He passed his arm over the guardrail and settled into a comfortable position .
12 For example it was much easier to incorporate provision for credit accumulation and transfer into a new system , when it was being set up , then to superimpose it on an established system .
13 What had started out as a dramatic sea chase and developed into a running battle had fizzled out in a disappointing anti-climax .
14 They expect to sell to a developer and move into a modern bungalow on 13 acres less than a mile away .
15 He started as a fast bowler and turned into a wonderful offspinner …
16 He opened a small side-door and walked into a small side-hall .
17 Finally the head roared ‘ Time 's past ’ , whereupon it fell to the floor with a tremendous noise and shattered into a thousand pieces .
18 Then he and Nina and the detective inspector were hurrying from the building and climbing into an unmarked police car .
19 This morning the 780 employees of Digital in Galway will wake up with a hangover after a night 's mourning and stare into an uncertain future , wishing that some divine intervention could be called upon to extract them from their present straits .
20 You know that it is extremely risky to leave the choice late and that , at the very latest , you must be organised in time to have a good look at the proposed field and to get into a good position for a proper base leg .
21 Durrell took a slug of whisky and broke into an immediate ‘ I 'm not able to begin ‘ ta / praise the wondrous Araminta /I would like to say with flourish /what kind thoughts of her I nourish /A tangle though my thoughts get inta / describing love as Araminta ’ .
22 brings the concepts farming and spelling into a related context .
23 ‘ My lady , ’ said Hugh , catching her eye and breaking into a resigned grin , ‘ my lady , as usual , is making fun of both of us . ’
24 He had a full bomb load , but managed to level the plane long enough for his crew to bail out , then he managed to steer it away from the town and crash into a nearby field .
25 When ready to serve , reheat the soup to boiling point and pour into a heated tureen .
26 The most successful placement programmes to date have been developed from an identifiable need and developed into an accessible package which is clearly targeted with a prescribed framework e.g. Women in Management , Transition from School to Work , Information Technology .
27 They invest in the preparation of the site and enter into a contractual agreement to grow free range chickens for .
28 They rode almost due north , making for Birdsall Brow and facing into a gusty northwesterly breeze .
29 TONIGHT 'S HUMBLE bill at the Pop Club went way beyond all expectations of a fairly good evening and turned into a joyous celebration .
30 TONIGHT 'S HUMBLE bill at the Pop Club went way beyond all expectations of a fairly good evening and turned into a joyous celebration .
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