Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] he [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I contrived to get Martinho beside Goreng 's jeep and laid him against a wheel .
2 The Chinese believe that to stand on one leg while kicking with the other unbalances the practitioner and places him at a disadvantage .
3 Reatus also allegedly jabbed Mr Mounsa in the neck and hit him with a dog chain .
4 I made contact with Sheringham through an agent and met him at a hotel .
5 They insisted that Derek enter their car and drove him to a quiet layby a short distance away .
6 They bundled him into a car and drove him to a car park at the rear of Dysart Police Headquarters and afterwards to an isolated road .
7 Then Pettit took a photograph and , he claimed , Enos attacked him — throwing him over a fence and punching him in a headlock .
8 He also realised that this was a situation far beyond his metier and summoned the duty staff officer , who arrived resplendent in full ceremonials , pantaloons , highly polished knee-length riding boots , and regulation yellow walking stick , and visited Shaw in his billet and confronted him in a corner , where he held court .
9 Miss Polly took his words as a compliment and treated him to a coy smile of invitation , meant to suggest that he should sit beside her ; but Sean had already marked Herbert Fraser for that position of honour , stopping just short of pushing him to the ground .
10 Corbett immediately recognised de Craon , who rose as he entered , gave a half-mocking bow and waved him to a stool .
11 She took Mungo 's case , hung up his mac and led him to a fire as lively as the one in the waiting-room .
12 Despite the quality of mind which had won him his first-class honours degree and led him to a study of modern philosophical and psychological theory , he rode like a conqueror over the rules of logic and morality .
13 So with this going on we found our company would get on better if I had collateral so I wrote to this boy and asked him for a million and put it in a trust fund that I would get after his death , and we that way so okay .
14 One of the group then grabbed the boy and flung him against a wall .
15 The Board accepted his letter of resignation with regret and presented him with a testimonial , a bowl and an album .
16 The Association honoured him on his retirement with the award of a medal of honour and elected him as a Vice-President The following year he was made an OBE for his lifelong work for the deaf .
17 Wilkins began struggling with a constable and pushed him into a bush .
18 Roger was a keen walker , cyclist and backpacker before a sleepy driver knocked him off his bike and confined him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life .
19 In fact , she thought , tonsure his greying hair and put him into a plain robe and he would have passed for a tubby , somewhat benign-looking monk .
20 Accepting his teaching and following him as a disciple means to live in that kingdom now .
21 However jewel-like the good will may be in its own right , there is a morally significant difference between rescuing someone from a burning building and dropping him from a twelfth storey window while trying to rescue him .
22 Although he clearly wants to walk off the boat , the ambulance crew scramble on board and clamp him onto a stretcher , so firmly that I wonder if they think he might punch them .
23 Artur Greisser , a Nazi and the Danzig nominee on the Harbour Board , went to the office of one of the Polish engineers on the Board and threatened him with a revolver .
24 [ In those days , if you were a witch you were safe as long as you kept away from the common people : once I saw a group of villagers spread-eagle a warlock , drive a stake through his heart and bury him beneath a crossroads gibbet . ]
25 By the final scene , however , we infer his dislike of McKendrick from the fact that having seriously impinged on his negative face by placing Hollar 's thesis in his briefcase and putting him into a situation of considerable personal danger , he makes no apology for his action whatsoever .
26 Uncle Bill let out a yell and kicked him away , then he snapped on Captain 's lead and tied him to a chair in the corner of the kitchen .
27 What I did n't mention to him was Gilbert 's phone call where he said she rang him on Saturday evening and asked him about a box . ’
28 He said he had bumped into Shildon on Monday evening and urged him into a pub , taking the opportunity to make up the quarrel begun on Friday .
29 The FSLN and Antonio Lacayo Oyanguren , the influential presidency minister , both accused Godoy of fomenting political unrest and linked him to a current mobilization of several hundred former contra rebels [ see below ] .
30 A taped message from Escobar had been printed in the newspaper El Nuevo Siglo earlier in the month , saying that he would consider surrendering if the government ensured his safety and placed him in a prison in his home province of Antioquía .
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