Example sentences of "[noun sg] of my [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 It would probably to appropriate for me to er second the motion in Welsh er , but as you 're and neither the English Welsh I would just like to say a few things , one , to express the appreciation of my council for the and secondly ,
2 I regard that day as determining the direction of my life for the next two years at least .
3 I do n't have any help in the house , as I prefer to use that part of my budget for the twins ’ child minder , Audrey .
4 In the case of other human beings I have the evidence of my senses for the first and last links of the series , but not for the intermediate link .
5 A night of restless tossing , snatchings of brief seasons of sleep , and fitful wakings , preceded the morning of my departure for the West Coast .
6 In the morning , I paid my disdainful landlady for the use of my room for the rest of the day .
7 She twinkled with pleasure as I wove a windmill-tilting , dragon-vanquishing saga of my quest for the frothy and elusive grail .
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