Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [pn reflx] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I did not understand German , and was not interested in the photograph of myself at the top , but bottom left , was a small black-and-white snapshot of Joan and the children .
2 One reason must be the inevitable distancing of oneself from the intensity and nearness of the experience .
3 Why did n't he just go while she could still maintain some degree of composure , this deliberate distancing of herself from the rapture that had possessed her before the telephone rang ?
4 Chasseguet-Smirgel ( 1985 ) suggests that a woman 's ego-ideal is constructed first by identification with the mother , and only then by a redefinition of herself as the father 's wife .
5 We need a conception of ourselves in the universe not as the master species but as the servant species : as the one being given responsibility for the whole and for the good of the whole .
6 Mulvey combined this Freudian explanation of pleasure in looking with the theory of the mirror stage in the work of Jacques Lacan , in which the child 's first recognition of itself in the mirror is called a misrecognition , because what the child sees in the mirror is an idealised whole and rounded image at odds with the child 's diffuse bodily experience of itself at that stage in development — it can not yet control its movements , let alone its environment .
7 Lacan shows how the recognition of ourselves in the image of the face is based on a misrecognition , since we perceive the face as our own when in fact it is produced in the image outside ourselves .
8 She is the one who will have devoted the greater part of her married life to the job of child-raising and who will have invested a large part of herself in the children .
9 The British in their quiet way think of themselves as the salt of the earth , and quite rightly too , but where matters of culture are concerned they do have this tendency to think that the best things happen abroad and at best can be borrowed from abroad .
10 On the other hand , the mere fact that money is paid under protest will not give rise of itself to the inference of such an agreement ; though it may form part of the evidence from which it may be inferred that the payee did not intend to close the transaction : see Maskell v. Horner [ 1915 ] 3 K.B .
11 Metaphor is a perspective which re-figures the world and the person 's experience of himself in the world .
12 The mature glider pilot would never hesitate to make a fool of himself in the interests of safety .
13 Man goes out into the world and brings back what a family needs to survive but he does n't find a reflection of himself in the home as a woman does . ’
14 Two hours later , full of beer and bravado , Harry contemplated a reflection of himself in the mirror behind the bar of the Glue pot Inn and calculated that , even when sobriety had returned to drain away his courage , he would not change his mind .
15 ‘ I should be mortified if I thought I 'd missed a chance to do him a mischief , but it 'd be a cold day in hell before I 'd make a spectacle of myself in the market place . ’
16 If we try to identify the media pressed into the service of God 's revelation of himself in the Bible , there is an astonishing variety .
17 Is not this how we see God revealed in the record of Himself in the Bible ?
18 He sat and squinted through watering eyes at a coloured , enlarged picture of himself on the wall ahead of him .
19 When giving interviews to the press Hauser liked to paint a picture of himself as the company 's father figure .
20 As the quotations above show , there is a recurrent recognition by the great minds of the Christian faith that we can not separate the knowledge of ourselves from the knowledge of God .
21 Louis XIV and his admirals had , meanwhile , after the Battle of La Hogue , licensed numerous ‘ corsairs ’ to make a nuisance of themselves in the Channel and North Sea , some of whom , actually held naval rank and had guns — up to 50 or 60 in the larger ships — lent them by the French navy .
22 All the same it is extraordinary to find the Roman Church ( 1 ) acquiescing in Constantine 's total indifference to Jesus ; ( 2 ) deferring to Constantine 's presentation of himself as the Messiah ; and ( 3 ) acknowledging the definition of Messiahship — that is , a military and political figure — embodied by Constantine .
23 It was a delicate moment for Franco , who had so closely linked the legitimacy of his power to his presentation of himself as the defender of the Catholic faith .
24 Kylie and a lifesize cardboard cutout of herself at the London launch of her debut album , simply titled Kylie .
25 When you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror , what do you really see ?
26 As she turned away , she caught a glimpse of herself in the bedroom mirror , and paused to take a longer , critical look .
27 Indeed , he thinks that whereas the master fails to gain a proper sense of himself from the slave , because the slave merely carries out his ( the master 's ) will , the slave does gain a certain degree of self-consciousness by means of the work he performs for the master .
28 And whereas other Renaissance examples of the exhortation to marriage dwell on the delight and solace of the married state , our poet 's argument , by contrast , is directed to the friend 's reproduction of himself for the benefit of posterity .
29 The socialist parties thought of themselves as the avant-garde of a class which was striving to bring into existence a new kind of society , and for them the struggle for power of the working class was , in principle , more important than any existing institutions .
30 It was n't until the weekend that he started to pine for some entertainment other than the sight of himself in the bathroom mirror .
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