Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Napoleon III 's ministers had worked hard to bring about the visit — not merely because it was in support of the Emperor 's policy but also , it was hoped , to distract him from his privately announced intention of himself going to the Crimea .
2 It reflects a conception of themselves inherited from the theory of their nature and place in a slave society , a theory they shared with the slave owners , and from whom they learned it .
3 Somewhere out there Michael Wayland is saying to his wife , ‘ God , when what's-that-man's-name began telling that enormously long story about how he made a fool of himself crawling round the floor on his hands and knees , which he obviously found so funny , I thought I 'd die . ’
4 Her eyes blurred ; she blinked to clear them , and saw a faint reflection of herself swimming in the rock , cast there by the spear-light .
5 Not a beautiful picture of himself running into the sunset .
6 This picture of myself develops from a myriad of experiences , particularly from the feedback I get from other people .
7 But she just spat in his face and went out , slamming the door so hard that a picture of herself fell off the wall .
8 Much that he says about divisions in the human psyche is reflected in pale form in the Hindu sacred books of the Upanishads ( which is hardly surprising , since White Face claims that all the world 's knowledge of itself emanated from the ‘ Other Side ’ during the ice age before last , when Other Siders went out like missionaries over the globe , reaching as far as Hindustan ) .
9 Gilly had a vision of herself sailing around the living room of the foster home on her right foot like an ice skater .
10 It meant that the Greeks expected the Jews not to translate their holy books , but to produce an account of themselves according to the current methods and categories of ethnography .
11 In the expansive lounge , with its wide-angle view across the City , Normski absently manipulates the television image of himself stored on a tape of Dance Energy , watching as he clicks forward , frame by frame , until his face fills the screen .
12 As in a Hammer horror film , the anticipation of something dreadful provides the engine to this dream — the seven bearded men 's appalling appearance was not for instance immediately apparent , and even though they removed his clothes and started to eat , there was no explicit imagery of himself implicated in the cannibalistic orgy , tasting flesh — presumably his own .
13 Another vivid picture , this time of herself standing by the ford in fitzAlan 's arms , insinuated itself into Isabel 's mind .
14 To begin with , after the attack on him at the Lambeth Baths hall , his view of himself changed in a literal sense .
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