Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Robert Jordan 's fantasy series The Wheel Of Time has a growing band of fans , who will enjoy his latest , THE DRAGON REBORN ( Orbit £5.99 ) .
2 Under the system of fixed exchange rates any export of capital affected the reserve position though precisely how depended on the manner in which the investment was financed .
3 But the Board of Trade had a great deal of latitude to vary the precise details of the arrangement , and insisted that , for discs , the records should bear the stamps , not the sleeves .
4 Irene Pepperberg has spent a great deal of time training an African grey parrot which she calls Alex ( Figure 8 ) .
5 To take a simple example : if we assume that the force of gravity permeates the whole material universe and that it is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between any two atoms anywhere , then two interesting propositions arise .
6 Intravenous administration of acetaldehyde elicited a prompt rise in blood pressure and increase in bronchial resistance associated with augmentation of blood histamine concentration .
7 However , the discovery that the speed of light appeared the same to every observer , no matter how he was moving , led to the theory of relativity — and in that one had to abandon the idea that there was a unique absolute time .
8 Styles changed to suit the visitors ' demands , and with volume and speed of production becoming the prime considerations , standards of craftsmanship steadily declined .
9 The company is understood to have abandoned development of the Repository altogether , and the switch of strategy leaves the whole AD/Cycle concept in complete disarray , though the company says that it is reaffirming support for the AD/Cycle tools available : to do anything else would leave the company open to all manner of retaliation from AD/Cycle International Alliance Members .
10 While it remains unclear to this reader exactly what moral or spiritual relations are set forth in the three stories which comprise the titular parables , Proofs , the main part of the present volume , concerns itself with how the collapse of communism threatens the whole Western intellectual tradition of idealism and asceticism .
11 ‘ The collapse of repertory causes a big problem in the training of actors .
12 By an originating summons dated 18 December 1991 the plaintiffs , the Halifax Building Society , the Woolwich Equitable Building Society , the Leeds Permanent Building Society , and the Alliance and Leicester Building Society , sought ( 1 ) a declaration that , upon the true construction of the ombudsman scheme recognised under Part IX of the Building Societies Act 1986 , the first defendant Stephen Bristow Edell , the ombudsman appointed under the scheme , was not entitled to investigate or determine ( a ) the complaint against the first plaintiff received by him from Michael Robert Allen and Christine Allen , the second and third defendants respectively , alleging that the report and valuation for mortgage assessment prepared for the first plaintiff had been negligently prepared , ( b ) the complaint against the second plaintiff received by him from Jeffrey Leonard Brommage and Heather Maureen Brommage , the fourth and fifth defendants respectively , alleging that the report and valuation prepared for the second plaintiff had been negligently prepared , ( c ) the complaint against the third plaintiff received by him from Lawrence Frederick West and Christa West , the sixth and seventh defendants respectively , alleging that the report and valuation prepared for the third plaintiff had been negligently prepared , and ( d ) the complaint against the fourth plaintiff received by him from Joseph Paul Hardcastle and Astrid Marie Hardcastle , the eighth and ninth defendants respectively , alleging that the report and valuation prepared for them had been negligently prepared ; and ( 2 ) a determination , upon the true construction of the scheme , whether and if so in what circumstances the first defendant was entitled to investigate and determine a complaint relating to an allegation of failure to exercise the requisite degree of professional skill and care on the part of a valuer or surveyor employed by the building society against which the complaint was made in relation to a report by him on the condition or value of any property where the report in question consisted of : ( a ) a written report prepared pursuant to section 13 of the Building Societies Act 1986 for a building society on the value of the land which was proposed as security for an advance to be made by the society and on any factors likely materially to affect its value made by a person who is competent to value and is not disqualified under section 13 from making a report on the land in question , ( b ) a written valuers ' report and valuation for mortgage prepared for the first plaintiff , ( c ) such a report prepared for the second plaintiff , ( d ) such a report prepared for the third plaintiff , ( e ) such a report prepared for the fourth plaintiff , ( f ) a house buyer 's report and valuation prepared by a chartered surveyor subject to the standard conditions of engagement of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors , ( g ) a flat buyer 's report and valuation prepared by a chartered surveyor , ( h ) a home buyer 's standard valuation and survey report prepared by an incorporated valuer and auctioneer subject to the standard terms of engagement of the Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers , ( i ) a written report known as a ‘ home purchase report ’ prepared by a chartered surveyor or an incorporated valuer and auctioneer subject to the standard conditions of engagement of the second plaintiff , ( j ) a written report known as a ‘ house buyer 's report ’ prepared by a chartered surveyor or an incorporated valuer and auctioneer subject to the standard conditions of engagement of the third plaintiff , or ( k ) a structural survey report .
13 Bereiter 's mention of syntax provides a timely cue for looking at another area of research into writing development which , it was hoped , would give us clear indicators of development through the years of schooling .
14 But Saturday 's tragic loss of life offers the Provisional leadership little opportunity to allay the blame that rests squarely on its shoulders .
15 There was no question that the Government 's first duty was to preserve the safety of the task force but the loss of life cast an enormous shadow .
16 The death of a spouse and loss of job merit the highest stress rating , and the low end of the scale includes holidays and Christmas !
17 The question of whether those taking part actually had sufficient command of BSL to make a conscious decision to withhold that form of signing is rather debatable , since virtually all those involved had difficulty with the deaf people 's signing which they had to translate .
18 He had not noticed any skin rash and was surprised to be told that his symptom was a direct result of syphilis affecting the auditory nerve .
19 It may be the result of inability to maintain a constant frequency of electrical control activity and this may be due to the effects of muscle disease on groups of muscle cells producing populations with altered frequencies .
20 As a result of student protests the Supreme Soviet Presidium agreed in April to cut military service for those in higher education from two years to one ( which could be served after graduation ) .
21 Over the back of a chair in one corner lay a dress , neatly hanging , while on the seat of chair lay a small pile of immaculate underthings .
22 It must be understood that such a programme of withdrawal requires a high level of support , from the counsellor , the counsellee 's family and friends , and from any group to which the counsellee is attached .
23 The gallery has built up a well-balanced programme of work offering an annual arrangement of exhibitions clearly influenced by a strong equal opportunities policy .
24 For example , the 1987/88 Programme of Work included a major review of the modules in Personal and Social Development ( PSD ) ; the fruits of this review appeared in the catalogue last April and the new and revised modules are being used for the first time this session .
25 Such a programme of reform requires a firm ‘ political will ’ , which in turn depends upon demands from the people .
26 This three year programme of research examines the present and future effects of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act ( PACE ) and the Prosecution of Offences Act .
27 Brandt 's emphasis on the annual variation of light and nutrients was modified by Alexander Nathansohn ( 1878–1940 ) , who pointed out that the vertical circulation of water played a vital role in bringing nutrients to the surface .
28 Moscovici 's own study of psychoanalysis represents an important start .
29 The study of economics provides a classic example .
30 It is because values can be most effectively defined and expressed in words that the study of literature claims a central place in humane studies .
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