Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [pron] [prep] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After her death , he 'd moved out into one of the back rooms , and Aunt Ruth — although she supposed she 'd have to stop thinking of her in that way — had taken the other .
2 A repeat of anything like that form will be enough to see off his modest rivals .
3 Mulvey combined this Freudian explanation of pleasure in looking with the theory of the mirror stage in the work of Jacques Lacan , in which the child 's first recognition of itself in the mirror is called a misrecognition , because what the child sees in the mirror is an idealised whole and rounded image at odds with the child 's diffuse bodily experience of itself at that stage in development — it can not yet control its movements , let alone its environment .
4 No it 's not it 's qu it 's quite disgraceful and nobody would approve of that and the co th th th th the Army if they got hold of anybody on that basis , they would court martial them immediately and they 'd be very severely dealt with .
5 Erm again when I have bad days with these wrists they just give way , and this is not a mental thing at all , I mean I could be holding a , a glass or a cup in my hand or a , a , a dish of something for that matter , and the er the nerves just relax the muscle and out it goes , it 's n n I do n't know it 's going to happen , but it can happen .
6 Well again er , er a three bedroomed house , I would , you see and they were putting one plug in , in , in each , each bedroom and , and two plugs in the main bedroom so they dropped one down altogether and erm , erm in a lounge like this to put two plugs in , sort of one in that corner and one in that corner it 's no good to anybody , it 's , as much as anything else was er , er about placing plugs as well er , if one 's only going to have two plugs well then least one should be able to place them in , in the right positions , er putting them behind doors is , is , is no good at all , a lot of them have been done that way because the it always means flex is going to be draped across the , the door if people are walking in gon na trip over it and erm , they probably got down to now , something er just less than the standard I would think in the , in the last houses they built .
7 Erm it 's sort of nought minus that figure .
8 American poets can be so thunderstruck by the sheer oddity of being a poet in America at all that they often deny to the poet , in advance , any claim to represent a people or even a social class ; and classic New York drama in this century , as in the plays of Eugene O'Neill and Arthur Miller , has concentrated painfully and insistently on the pre-eminence of family ties and the ineluctable need of everyone in that world to be loved , as they continuously imply , by their closest relatives .
9 With the vision of Robert Emmet and the crucifix in mind , could the PIRA not stop to ask how they — or any of the rest of us for that matter — may redeem the bitter legacy of centuries by adding to it ?
10 I 'm not , put no friend of yours in that box !
11 She knew , of course , that men were driven by lusts of the flesh , desires that they satisfied with little or no regard for the females they wanted , but , strangely enough , she would not have considered fitzAlan to be a man to lose control of himself for that reason .
12 Not only has the right hon. Gentleman made an idiot of himself by that intervention , but he has achieved the interesting feat of misquoting himself .
13 Would you believe that the sight of her in that condition made me feel differently about her ?
14 The final image of him after that goal — flustered , exhausted , snarled up in the back of his own goalkeeper 's net with his studs caught in the meshing — could be the definitive fate of most of Hateley 's minders .
15 Everybody even though you only had the one room downstairs , I remember when my brother died he w at twelve although there was a big crowd of us in that house there was er no there was n't then there was er the four sisters was n't there ?
16 Because you know both parties were there to make sure that er there was going to be a mutual agreement or it may in some instances be referred back to domestic level for resolution , or alternately , the employers just said , no and that , that was the end of it at that stage .
17 The possibility of anything like that happening to the Germans seemed a long way off in those days .
18 There could be many glorious months in front of us before that time comes . ’
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