Example sentences of "[noun sg] to make [noun pl] about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 O. J. Braddick ( personal communication ) has pointed out that unlike monocular perspective cues , the differential perspective cues described here could be exploited without the need to make assumptions about the homogeneity or isotropy of the elements making up the surface .
2 The head teacher must also inform the parents ( or pupil , if aged 18-plus ) of their right to make representations about the exclusion to the LEA and/or governors .
3 Anthropology has played a significant part in illustrating ways in which symbolic use is made of the body to make statements about the condition of society itself ( Mauss 1935 , Douglas 1973 , Blacking 1977 , etc. ) , and hair became an apposite symbolic indicator of the problems the forces of control were faced with at this time .
4 In Armagas Ltd v Mudogas SA [ 1986 ] 2 All ER 385 the House of Lords held that where an agent had no apparent authority to make statements about the subject matter of the contract , a party dealing with the agent could not argue that the agent had apparent authority to make statements about his own authority , nor that the principal was vicariously liable for his fraud .
5 It may be possible to prevent employees misrepresenting the effect of the terms by including a specific provision excluding their authority to make representations about the meaning or effect of the terms .
6 The effect of a term excluding the agents 's authority to make representations about the meaning or effect of the terms would appear to prevent the other contracting party claiming that the agent had any actual or apparent authority to make such statements .
7 And , the memo went on , it was his duty to make representations about the conduct of the exam ‘ where that leaves something to be desired ’ .
8 ‘ People are gaining confidence in the profession to make assertions about the importance of values and ethical judgments . ’
9 At the time of the Vatican conference , I did not know how to use the " no boundary " idea to make predictions about the universe .
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