Example sentences of "[noun sg] quite [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Few early peoples , apart from the Egyptians , have left to posterity so much workmanship quite undisturbed through the passage of time .
2 The views are more plausible when taken as answers , or at any rate materials for answers , to a question quite different from the question of meaning .
3 But it is undoubtedly dangerous and often cruel , stirring not so much the boxers but the crowds who watch them to a pitch of savagery quite incompatible with the notion that boxing is ‘ the noble art of self-defence ’ .
4 I made my displeasure on that score quite clear to the ecclesiarch 's agent .
5 War-time mobilisation acts as a single institution which grades them all according to its distinct purposes , thus serving as an external check upon their nature quite separate from the whims of the observer and the contingencies of their previous situation in life .
6 In contrast , Cramlington is ‘ non-urban ’ and was intended to be a more or less ( there was always some equivocation about this and it grew over time ) free-standing new town , located on a ‘ green field ’ site quite separate from the Tyneside conurbation .
7 Invariably such products are sold at a premium price quite unjustified by the cost of their components .
8 For example with education , it 'll be a terrible thing for education if the middle classes continue to contract out in the way that they are so we have a divorced system of independent education quite separate from the state system .
9 The atomic weight is a ratio quite distinct from the weight in grams .
10 Eventually the scheme can under curriculum pressures , dictated by an over-all national policy quite unrelated to the needs of the crofting areas .
11 Arousal in this study appeared to have a beneficial effect on memory for both types of information quite contrary to the predictions of Easterbrook 's hypothesis and to the results of the Christianson and Loftus ( 1987 ) study .
12 The free style mining had brought about a situation quite undesirable to the Lord who claimed the mineral rights .
13 The result is that the final confrontation with the evil Sangrado , the melodramatic scene of occult horror from which Margarita is rescued and the revelation of her true identity , take on a particular sharpness of surprise , a tone of active , romantic effort quite different from the tensions of Sard 's wanderings .
14 Yet in most countries there is continuing concern about the number of patients who develop a hospital-acquired infection quite unrelated to the reason for their admission ; about the accidents which happen to patients while they are in hospital ; about the perennial danger of fire in hospitals ; and about the dangers associated with the use of prescribed drugs in hospital .
15 Moreover , its existence was completely at odds with the national trend for community care , since patients who were referred were brought to a location quite remote from the area in which they had lived .
16 Yeah so he would n't have a tra And then they would So it would start I suppose folk would start arriving at the house quite early in the morning .
17 Yep , I 'd finished the lodging houses , they were rough , my word they were rough , they used to get drunk and fighting , and of course they used to be amusing really they used to get fighting at a lodging house quite close to the dock and after when the windows was smashed , we would find that they 'd been temporarily repaired with a coal sack taken from the coal yard next door , and all that sort of business , and anyhow , nothing particular out of the way happened until three years later of course when we got the general strike , and the strikers used to meet outside the labour institution headquarters in Street .
18 Not having done very well at school ( not even allowed to sit the Oxbridge exams ) , she had nevertheless been diligent about her piano lessons , and was in fact quite good on the instrument .
19 The result , at least in Nikol'skaia volost' , was that the few literates from the old regime were starting to occupy the best bureaucratic jobs and to run parish-pump economics and politics in ways barely supervised from above and in fact quite inimical to the aspirations of the guberniia officials .
20 The excitement of the exhibition concerns the opportunity to place many works around the park 's lake where they will create an impression quite different to the context of brutal architecture of the Hayward Gallery , or of the European Patent Office in Munich and of other cities for which King has made commissions in recent years .
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