Example sentences of "[noun sg] most [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The isotope most commonly used for measurement of colonic transit is 9 9 m Tc-DTPA in liquid form , or it may also be incorporated into ispaghula husk to simulate the physical properties of faeces more closely .
2 The kind most widely favoured for jewellery , at least in the west , was a delicate pale pink , but in and around Hawaii a black variety might be used for this purpose , and the Chinese were particularly keen on deep red coral for their carvings .
3 A companion analysis of findings from samples of eligible women in Colombia also revealed prolapse to be the gynaecological malady most closely associated with parity .
4 The statistic most often used to measure within-group variability is the standard deviation , although there are other possibilities .
5 The orang-utan is the primate most closely related to man ; its lively facial expressions show remarkable similarities to those of humans .
6 Trust House Forte is probably the group most closely centred upon leisure and holiday based activities , being mainly a hotel and catering operation .
7 Miners apart , artisans have been shown by Dr Field to have been the group most closely associated with Methodism .
8 Pneumonia was the clinical symptom most strongly associated with seroconversion among drug users .
9 The location-factor school argued that regional policy was the most important cause of decentralization in the '60s because it was the factor most significantly correlated with change in manufacturing employment , that is , it matched the pattern of relative manufacturing growth most closely .
10 FPA — Family Planning Association ; a name most frequently used by member organizations of the IPPF .
11 Labouring poets who attempted a realistic description of work and social conditions helped to create a new literary response to social reality , a development most commonly associated with Goldsmith , Langhorne , Blake , Crabbe , and eventually Wordsworth .
12 This is the approach most commonly discussed in restraint of trade cases .
13 The treatment of choice most often reported for adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus is surgery .
14 All are agreed that the orang-utan is the great ape most distantly connected with man .
15 The other reason most often given for government ownership is that government needs a voice of its own and can not rely on the privately owned press .
16 Our hypothesis is that specialised type CLO predisposes to the development of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus because of increased proliferative activity and that tumour development occurs in patients exposed to an environmental carcinogen most commonly ingested in cigarette smoke .
17 The model most often cited by development economists is Ghana , which adopted IMF-backed reform in 1983 after its old protectionist ways stifled initiative and brought the economy to its knees .
18 Lung cancer is the cancer most commonly associated with smoking .
19 Changes in proposed greenbelt boundaries affecting a given area , and occurring at the consultative draft stage of local plans and or pre-map stage and the formal deposit of those plans , and or between the deposit copies and proposals subsequently issued by county and local planning authorities by way of desired changes to deposit copies , militate against , and may totally inhibit in relation to that area , emergence within the meaning of the national doctrine most recently propagated in paragraph er within erm paragraph thirty two of the revised version of P P G number One .
20 Seven of the nine types of bird most commonly occurring on farmland were ‘ significantly more frequent ’ in hedgerows on organic farms .
21 The convention most often mistaken for logic is explicitness , which , he shows , is not the same thing at all .
22 A number of parties took place during the race week , including a very good champagne reception most generously given by Mot et Chandon at the very comfortable four star Hôtel le Manège , which reopened in December under a dynamic new young management .
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