Example sentences of "[noun sg] should be in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just before the publication of the Bill that became the 1988 Education Reform Act , opinion in Great Britain was evenly divided over whether control of the curriculum should be in the hands of local education authorities or of central government ; this is shown in Figure 10.4 .
2 Remittances from overseas : Payment should be in the form of an INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER .
3 Now my submission is not intended to be representation that the new settlement should be in the greenbelt and great weight must still be given to it 's protection .
4 Now what I 'm saying to you is that there 's a big question mark as far as Goodey er report is concerned and they can talk about er the surpluses , they can talk about the trustees , but there 's no majority as far as the employees are concerned and this was the question mark that we we were saying that one of the reasons why they were saying you know that the employee should be in the minority because in the end paragraph of the summing up of the Goodey report that states quite clearly that all the responsibility and all the but the employer , now you yourself has said that er as far as the schemes and we 're talking of something in the region of a hundred and twenty eight thousand .
5 Kenneth Baker , the minister for information technology , says that in an ideal world virtually all of manufacturing industry should be in the microelectronics camp .
6 The World Bank had also requested that a greater proportion of the aid should be in the form of fast disbursing loans to aid the balance-of-payments stabilization , rather than project aid .
7 Those responsible for recruiting qualified nurses back into practice should be in the business of welcoming back all staff who have expressed an interest in returning , regardless of age or length of break in service .
8 It was decided that the main thrust of the research should be in the domain of economic and political socialisation during adolescence .
9 The media type should be in the range 1 to 10 , as defined previously using option 9.5.0 — Update Media Types .
10 In connection with rose-growing , pruning should be in the spring .
11 We have not yet concluded whether that work should be in the form suggested by Mr. Robert McNamara or be carried out in other ways .
12 It 's because the no , no water heater should be in the bathrooms !
13 Spokesman for Department of Environment Speaking personally , it has long been my view that these matters of food safety should be in the hands of a Minister of Consumer Affairs .
14 Assembly should be in the sequence of 1 ) leading edges 2 ) front cross-spar3 ) rear cross-spars 4 ) stand-offs and stretchers .
15 These attitudes vary sharply by political allegiance : over 60% of Conservative Party supporters thought control should be in the hands of central government , and over 60% of Labour Party supporters thought control should rest with LEAs .
16 This means that the a.c. input to the rectifier bridge should be in the range of 20V to 22V r.m.s .
17 A clean sheet of blotting paper should be in the blotter .
18 The Time per Block should be in the range 1 to 1000000 .
19 It has still not made up its mind what its role should be in the world .
20 ‘ The justiciar is chiefly concerned , ’ said Warrenne , ‘ that Brecon and Radnor should be in the hands of someone who understands their importance to England .
21 JOHN Major 's income tax cut which Labour described as a bribe should be in the people 's pockets in mid-May , but he should be able to provide an even greater post-election thank you for the majority of voters in the form of a stabilised housing market .
22 The report should be in the past .
23 If , however , they want to say that their property should be in the band below , it will be a simple matter of testing it on appeal .
24 RELATE ( formerly the Marriage Guidance Council ; your local number should be in the telephone directory )
25 This book should be in the Christmas stocking of any serious aircraft enthusiast , although it would make walking difficult !
26 Upper arm training should be in the ratio of 3:2 for triceps to biceps .
27 [ They ] have not learned that the stronghold of literature should be in the upper classes of society , while the stronghold of science should be in the nation 's middle class .
28 Rather the approach adopted by the Christian communicator should be in the form of critical contextualisation , which endeavours to criticise culture according to the values of the gospel of the reign of Christ as it impacts on a specific community .
29 Aircraft and Aerospace Museum Guide ( Bruce/Beeson Publishers , 214pp , illus , sbk , $18.00 inc air parcel post ) by Ronald Stone should be in the pocket of any aviation enthusiast who is touring the USA and Canada , for listed between the covers are all the museums that include aircraft in those two countries .
30 The first and biggest is that no nation which expects to take its place in the world order should be in the business of commissioning international vengeance and terrorism .
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