Example sentences of "[noun sg] because [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Clarion 's offices were small and dingy , but despite this , and the fact that it only appeared once a week , the magazine had a large and growing circulation because of the crusading character of its editor , J. D. O'Connor , who had been a leading journalist with the Morning Post before he had struck out on his own , financed by money left to him by his land-owning father .
2 There is some indication that the official retirement age is increasing but this may be a mixed blessing for middle-aged labour because of the increasing pressure to take voluntary early retirement !
3 The danger in the present situation should be given full recognition because of the so-called Black-on-Black violence and the hardened attitudes of extreme rightwingers who seem to use the American Ku Klux Klan strategies to terrorise people .
4 They needed a boost because of the Cuban crisis and this seemed to be the opportunity , so they had little choice but to enter into the quicksand of the Vietnam War .
5 He is classified as having a patron/client because of the observed relationship with a large organisation which was one among a number of significant clients .
6 Most of them were on the lean side because of the hard life they led and the long walks they took over hilly country to reach their fields .
7 Generally a new broom sweeps clean and consequently some very good players were lost to the county side because of the constant chopping and changing .
8 As a result total revenues would be lower in the industry in years of good harvest , and when there is a very poor harvest prices rocket through the roof because of the inelastic demand and therefore the change in price is much greater than the change in quantity er .. consumed on on the market .
9 There is rather less footroom because of the wider transmission tunnel , with nowhere to rest the left foot , and one is faced by a very full instrument panel . ’
10 Obviously the substrate was gravel and lime-free gravel because of the acidic conditions preferred by the Amazonian fish .
11 However , city officials warned that they might ignore the vote because of the low turnout .
12 Indeed , an artefact made since about 1955 will give an apparent radiocarbon age that is some time into the future because of the excess radiocarbon produced in the atmosphere by nuclear weapons testing ( the ‘ bomb effect ’ , see p. 123 ) .
13 The W.H.O. may also become involved in the short term because of the widespread malnourishment and disease .
14 On the following day the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People ( NAACP ) , the country 's oldest and largest civil rights movement , voted to oppose the confirmation because of the reactionary record of Thomas .
15 This is a particularly cruel irony because as the 1911 census revealed doctors had the smallest families of all categories of occupations .
16 For example , in Granada Group Ltd. v Ford Motor Company Ltd. [ 1973 ] , the GRANADA television group could not prevent the Ford Motor Company calling one of their cars a Ford GRANADA ; the court held that there was no danger of confusion because of the different fields of activity ; namely television and cars .
17 In Chapter 4 , we pointed out that the profile of the known sample group was skewed away from the ‘ typical ’ young unemployed heroin chaser identified by the prevalence study because of the very nature of being a ‘ known ’ user in treatment .
18 Yet they have no recourse because of the flawed structure of this United Kingdom Parliament .
19 Most ECM business is handled by each bank 's foreign exchange department because of the close similarity between buying/ selling bank deposits and borrowing/lending bank deposits .
20 The emphasis needs to be on alleviating the problems of day-to-day administration , which can exert a disruptive effect on a personnel department because of the large amounts of work created for short amounts of time .
21 Like Racine , he creates a terrible sense of the screw turning tighter with every scene — you end up positively dreading the next entrance because of the terrible things you know the characters are going to say .
22 Erm , under number one erm , is the Chairman aware that the er current talk in Whitehall which has given out the contracts for er new secure accommodation units in various counties that the current talk in Whitehall is that because Leicestershire does n't know its own mind because of the recent votes over secure accommodation that it 's unlikely to get one in the present er round and is n't that a damning indictment erm of the Liberal and Labour parties in this county .
23 Alistair Sampson , whose Brompton Road shop specialises in primitive country wares — pottery , carvings , furniture , embroideries — hit a bull's-eye because of the close parallels with American folk art .
24 Blatant sexist readings are on the decline , and where they still exist they have little effect because of the successful appropriation by women of their own discourse .
25 However , the scheme came to grief because of the entrenched opposition of Cabinet Secretary , Sir Maurice Hankey , who believed a tunnel to be a major threat to national security .
26 The Reuters news agency reported on March 3 that the Mongolian Democratic Party ( MDP ) , the country 's second largest party after the MPRP , had " decided to leave the government coalition because of the slow rate of economic reform " .
27 However any such rule would be inelegant and be impossible to apply in practice because of the prohibitive amount of case checking required .
28 That policy , like that of the Government and the official Opposition , is at present under review because of the enormous changes that have occurred during the past two years .
29 It might be argued that this scheme puts the claimant who at present has a choice whether or not to use Ord. 53 , at a disadvantage because under the new scheme he or she would have to seek leave and would possibly be subject to very restrictive time-limits .
30 Of all routines that ex-Tillers recall , the ‘ Hussars ’ gives the most pleasure because of the overwhelming response from the audience .
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