Example sentences of "[noun sg] should [be] [vb pp] at the " in BNC.

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1 It criticises the duplication of R&D between different government departments and argues that a new division should be created at the department for energy conservation .
2 We believe that your acquisition money should be frozen at the 1984 level . ’
3 On the other hand , a harder look should be taken at the range of prescribable products of doubtful value , such as , peripheral and central vasodilators , cough mixtures , baby creams , mild analgesics , and shampoos , and the value of others — for example , vaccination for foreign travel — should be reassessed .
4 If it is thought that it means that any decision should be taken at the lowest possible level , that unfortunately makes me believe that the concept is not all that it is cracked up to be , and for a number of reasons .
5 Application for a grant should be made at the same time as the application for an audition in order that you can be sure of your position should you be fortunate enough to be offered a place .
6 — ‘ On this occasion the court ordered that the case should be heard at the end of August 1991 .
7 The walk to be described may most conveniently be undertaken by two parties , each with transport : one car should be parked at the roadside quarry at Aisgill , and the other at Birkdale Summit .
8 In the consolidated balance sheet , the investment should be stated at the carrying amount under the equity method at that date , ie 30% of net assets .
9 If we were to construct a ‘ ladder ’ of non-fatal offences , starting with the most serious and moving down to the least serious , the offence of attempted murder should be placed at the top .
10 The release torque should be measured at the beginning of the test , and whenever a container is opened throughout the whole period of the test .
11 The off , all officers of the club should be elected at the A G M , which would be held on a .
12 All officers of the club should be elected at the A G M.
13 It is his responsibility to decide whether the glider should be manned at the nose or tail , and whether someone is needed in the cockpit .
14 The workbook should be distributed at the beginning of the weekday , together with the aims and objectives for the shop .
15 The Court of Appeal doubted the validity of trespass ab initio , as it meant that lawful acts could be made unlawful by subsequent events and the lawfulness of an act should be judged at the time it took place .
16 In the case of a buy-out , disclosure should be made at the first board meeting at which the proposed buy-out is considered , and should be made to the full board and not to a committee of it .
17 Furthermore , this exercise should be aimed at the ‘ bright ’ pupils .
18 This creates a problem in that there is no justification why a manager 's compensation package should be supplemented at the expense of the corporation or its shareholders .
19 Sufficient surplus should be left at the top to allow an anchorage with stones or paving slabs and , when an irregular-shaped pool is envisaged , then calculations should be based upon a rectangle which encloses the greatest width and greatest length of the excavation .
20 After preservation treatment , it is intended that the weapon should be displayed at the local Portland Museum , in conjunction with a 50th anniversary exhibition to be mounted there in 1953 .
21 If we are able to provide a replacement then the Policyholder should be advised at the outset of our intentions , but the suggestion of replacement should not be used as a negotiating factor .
22 It was dynastically imperative that the Prussian heir should be placed at the head of an army , too .
23 Even when a benefice was in effect being inherited , it was accepted that the king 's right should be acknowledged at the moment of succession .
24 Before pursuing this theme , attention should be directed at the other issue arising from Brockway 's declaration , the abolitionist stance , which eschews efforts to improve life within prisons in favour of seeking to be entirely rid of the prison system .
25 The effectiveness of training and development should be reviewed at the top level and lead to renewed commitment and target setting .
26 He believed " the dirt of the pit should be left at the pit " .
27 If unavoidable delays do occur the operative should be paid at the basic rate and the hours excluded from bonus calculations .
28 Editor , — In response to Angela Coulter and colleagues ' study of the use of diagnostic dilatation and curettage Jane Weston and colleagues advocate that the procedure should be performed at the time of routine sterilisation procedures ‘ to exclude early pregnancy . ’
29 One could argue , for instance , that the conditions of work and the forms of division of labour within the operating unit should be the subject of democratic decision-making within that unit while the general investment policy of the enterprise should be decided at the ‘ higher ’ level , by means of a mechanism involving representatives from the operating units , central enterprise staff and national planners ( assuming , that is , the kind of investment planning referred to above ) .
30 Indeed the political theme for the day should be set at the morning 's press conferences , and local candidates and VIPs fully briefed and able to talk about or answer questions on that topic wherever they may be .
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