Example sentences of "[noun sg] may [be] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , payment may be made at the time of enrolment by personal cheque or bank draft drawn on a UK bank ( see section on Banking below ) .
2 Alternatively , payment may be made at the time of enrolment in cash , or by personal cheque or bank draft drawn on a UK bank .
3 The magnitude of the electric field may be represented at the same time by the density of field lines .
4 Like many issues which determine the course of history , the challenges of keeping pace in strategic competition , holding down grain imports , maintaining energy production and earning a hard currency income may be decided at the margin .
5 Finally , the benefits to be achieved from clarity of roles and greater accountability which accompany the separation of purchasing from provision may be achieved at the cost of much higher transaction costs between what are now separate organisations .
6 Given our lack of knowledge of both how circuitry in the brain actually works and how visual perception may be mediated at the neural level , this state of affairs is scarcely surprising .
7 Bryan Gould , Labour 's trade and industry spokesman , has said that the industry may be renationalised at a lower price than it is sold for .
8 A cash alternative may be offered at a lower price than the share offer but such an alternative may be safer if this is likely to happen .
9 The appropriate regulation for our purposes is SI 1991 No 489 , regulation 3 of which outlines the circumstances where an action may be brought at the suit of a person other than a private investor .
10 Finally , have with you all the papers to which reference may be made at the meeting .
11 An ordinary BSc degree may be taken at the end of the third year but the majority of students proceed to the fourth year of the BEng honours degree .
12 Philosophy may be studied at the third — and fourth-year levels , for single honours and for joint honours , as well as for the MA(General) and the MA ( General Honours ) .
13 This failure may be gnawing at the roots of Japan 's post-war success .
14 Such consent shall not be withheld provided that the sub-licensor agrees to supply such technical information to the sub-licensee on conditions corresponding to the confidentiality conditions of this Agreement save that consent may be withheld at the sole discretion of any Party from whom consent is sought in respect of the supply of computer programs in source code form .
15 The three upper parts of the harmony may be reduplicated at the octave above , and the bass at the octave below .
16 The absence of a temple or shrine in the near vicinity and of any obvious religious objects or inscriptions , casts serious doubt on this suggestion , but a shrine may be found at a nearby sacred spring .
17 There is a possibility , albeit unlikely , that knowledge may be advanced at the expense of the subject .
18 In Great Britain important silver bearing his mark may be seen at the Victoria and Albert Museum , the Ashmolean Museum , and the Mansion House .
19 The register may be kept at the company 's registered office or at another office of the company or at the office of professional registrars to which the company has delegated this task , but , if kept otherwise than at the company 's registered office , notice must be given to the Registrar of the place where it is kept and of any change of that place .
20 The European Court has in fact held that the internal competence may be exercised at the same time as the external competence so that the Community acquired the power to negotiate an international agreement before it had in fact exercised its internal powers , and this theory had in fact been taken further in the fisheries sector in the judgment in the Kramer cases .
21 Secondly , although it is understandable that the external leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation may be excluded at the moment , it is not understandable that the Palestinian leaders in Jerusalem should be excluded from the process .
22 Other evidence may be accepted at the discretion of the University .
23 Other evidence may be accepted at the discretion of the University .
24 These are as follows : ( 1 ) When the pleadings are deemed to be closed ; ( a ) there shall be discovery of documents within 28 days , and inspection within seven days thereafter , in accordance with para ( 5 ) ; ( b ) except with the leave of the court or where all parties agree ; ( i ) no expert evidence may be adduced at the trial unless the substance of that evidence has been disclosed to the other parties in the form of a written report within ten weeks ; and ( ii ) subject to para ( 7 ) , the number of expert witnesses of any kind shall be limited to two ; ( c ) photographs and sketch plans and , in an action for personal injuries , the contents of any police accident report book shall be receivable in evidence at the trial and shall be agreed if possible ; ( d ) unless a day has already been fixed , the plaintiff shall within six months request the proper officer to fix a day for the hearing and r 12 shall apply where such request is made .
25 This power may not be exercised against the Crown : Ord 42 , r 5(5). ( 5 ) Affidavit evidence may be used at the hearing if notice has been given ( Ord 20 , rr 5 , 7 and 10 ) .
26 Substituted service may be made at a defendant 's place of employment or his bank or his former solicitor ( see Supreme Court Practice , Vol 1 , 65/4/16 ) .
27 I understand why the hon. Gentleman may be frothing at the mouth at the thought that , after all the years that he has spent preparing as shadow arts Minister , were the Labour party to be elected — horror of horrors — it would not be him but Melvyn ’ Time to Dance ’ Bragg who would be Labour 's arts Minister .
28 The manager may be visualized at the apex of the triangle issuing orders largely concerned with batch quantities and frequency .
29 Unless that party , not less than seven days before the hearing , gives notice to the other party that he objects to the use of the affidavit , he is to be taken to have consented to the use of it and the affidavit may be used at the hearing unless the court otherwise orders ( Ord 20 , r 7(1) ) .
30 A + mistake may be made at a single point or a length of DNA may become temporarily dislocated and be reinserted in the wrong place .
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