Example sentences of "[noun sg] may [verb] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Issues of equal opportunity may arise in a number of contexts ; for example , those of gender , race , disability and religion .
2 Hunt suggests that conflict of this kind may act in a group of individuals to :
3 An intention to displace the prima facie or primary meaning of the defined statutory term may appear in a number of ways .
4 It will be noted that failure to comply with a direction regarding structural alterations to a seamen 's canteen may result in a refusal to renew the licence It the next application , and not to a fine as under s.36 .
5 Any Big Boss may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
6 A Warlord may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
7 Coupled with her hope that the war may end in a stalemate goes the hope that she may never be obliged to become a belligerent nation .
8 ‘ I fear nothing , My Lord , except perhaps that those who do not wish us to find the truth may intervene in a way we least expect .
9 Although the gall bladder is considered to be dispensible , its preservation may result in a reduction of post cholecystectomy syptoms .
10 Any Battle Standard Bearer may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
11 The theory also has difficulty in coping with colour perception when a particular object may come in a number of colours .
12 Any Shaman may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
13 Failure to achieve this goal at the outset may result in a patient who depends on others for insulin injections , misses injections or does them with a very poor technique .
14 For example , Weber suggests that individual manual workers who are dissatisfied with their class situation may respond in a variety of ways .
15 Wall lighting may result in a face being in unhelpful shadow because seen against the background of a lighted wall .
16 The long term sequelae of infection on acid secretion have not been well defined but epidemiological evidence suggests that longstanding H pylori infection may result in a reduction of acid secretion through the development of atrophic changes in the gastric mucosa .
17 The answer may lie in a speech put into the mouth of Sigismund 's wife by Gregory .
18 For Stauder , the solution may lie in a merger of the ATP finals and the Grand Slam Cup .
19 The best hope of breaking the current deadlock may lie in a threat by the European Parliament to take legal action against the Council of Ministers in the European Court of Justice .
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