Example sentences of "[noun sg] may [verb] [adj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Invariably the surveyor 's work is associated with a property or business transaction and because investment and interest rates are an inevitable part of the project , delay or slow progress may prove unacceptable to a client .
2 Hearing : After they have been in their homes for quite a short time , people who live near railway lines cease to hear the sound of the passing trains , even though the noise may seem deafening to a visitor .
3 The existence of such a rule of recognition may take any of a huge variety of forms , simple or complex .
4 They , na , nan and granddad may have that as a sitting room to start with .
5 On scenting an alarm pheromone , an ant may do any of a variety of things : it may run away from the source of the scent ; it may freeze and ‘ play dead ’ , or it may run towards the source of the scent and attack any nearby enemies .
6 What may be laughed off by one child may send another into a panic of embarrassment , leaving a legacy of permanent caution in later years .
7 But that offence is one against propriety , against what a community may find appropriate to a particular time or place .
8 Land is in fixed supply , and what is considered uneconomic to develop in one period may prove profitable at a later date .
9 Regular users of the Wye at Hereford say the river may look tempting on a warm evening , but looks are deceptive .
10 Likewise , those leisure companies with operations outside the South East may experience less of a slow down .
11 In relation to those enquiries which have a legal content , a Citizens ’ Advice Bureau may adopt one of a number of approaches .
12 Ensure that you are familiar with any heating controls the system may have such as a time clock or programmer .
13 Aptitude tsting developed from the realisation that a single IQ score was a rather rude measure which obscured an individual 's varying underlying abilities ; for example , an individual may score high on a verbal subtest of an intelligence scale and low on a numerical subtest or vice versa .
14 In the early stages of pregnancy , or even at conception itself , a mother may become aware of a living presence within her body , sensing its spirit before there are any physical symptoms at all .
15 In other cases , original cornice detail may survive intact behind a box fascia — this is often the case in turn-of-the-century shopping parades .
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