Example sentences of "[noun sg] who have [verb] she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instead she gazed into the dully glowing ashes of the dying fire and remembered a wild , enchanted garden and a tender , handsome soldier who had awoken her to approaching womanhood with one gentle kiss and a rose .
2 Who was he , this dark and secret lover who had inflamed her with so great a passion ?
3 HELENA Bonham-Carter , the actress , was yesterday granted a High Court injunction in London against a fan who has pestered her for several years .
4 The stories about Strahinja tell of a classic conflict between love and duty when the hero 's wife falls in love with the Turk who has abducted her from the family home whilst her husband is away in Kruševac visiting his wife 's relatives , the powerful Jugovići family .
5 He reminded her of a mathematics mistress who had taught her at school .
6 Eventually , Reid said , ‘ All Susan ever said about her father was that he was a grade-A shit who 'd ignored her for most of her life and thought money was a good substitute for love .
7 The group who had taken her under their wing were Parisian bandits , who had taken to harassing the Nazis since the occupation .
8 He 's the sort of grandfather I would have liked to have , ’ Paige said shortly , then softened her tone as she thought of the kindly gentleman who had taken her under his wing .
9 A year in Milan , Italy 's great fashion centre , had sounded close to perfect — at least , that was how the woman who 'd interviewed her at International Models had made it sound .
10 Also , Tilly had decided that she could not now reveal the news she had brought with her this morning ; shocking news , news that told how Richard had been cheated and deceived by his own wife … and devastating news of Beth … how she was not safe and happy with Tyler Blacklock , as they had first thought , and how she also had been betrayed , both by her own brother Ben , and by the woman who had raised her from a child .
11 So Lexy was one of the three girls mentioned by the whispering woman who had shown her into the Seraglio .
12 She had never liked the arrangement that had installed her in the Ward household , but having heard the tragic story , and knowing how much it meant to the woman who had rescued her from a life of loneliness , how could she refuse ?
13 She saw the old man who had accosted her on her walk that afternoon proceeding at the head of a little posse consisting of a neatly dressed man , a woman with untidy hair and a couple of children .
14 Even with the whitewash skeleton painted on to him , Benny had no difficulty recognizing the serpentine man who had kidnapped her from the museum .
15 However , after a couple of dances had elapsed , Clara thought she spotted the civilized young man who had assisted her on the Channel crossing ; once she had spotted him she turned rigidly away , so deep was her horror of imitating Janice 's conduct , but she lost nothing by it , for within a couple of minutes he presented himself , courteously , at her elbow .
16 Bernice had tried to explain to her android companion about the man who had saved her from drowning in the quicksand .
17 Tess realized that the farmer was the same Trantridge man who had recognized her in the market town , and had been knocked down by Angel .
18 For a few brief moments she 'd actually managed to persuade herself that there was some kind of special rapport between herself and the man who had kissed her in the semi-darkness with such tender passion .
19 Her limbs were graceful , her whole body proportioned like that of a young goddess ; as for her breasts , an infatuated young man who had seen her in a small part at Robert 's Shield Theatre wrote her a letter quoting the Song of Solomon at length : Asshe threatened to horsewhip him .
20 The 67-year-old was attacked in Ludlow , Shropshire , by a man who had followed her through the town centre .
21 It was in 1984 , when Kylie was still only 16 , that her next big break came and it was again Alan Hardy , the man who had cast her in The Sullivans three years before , who was involved .
22 He was still the hard , ambitious man who had married her for her father 's company , not for love .
23 Any dregs of left-over resentment were directed at Alain Lemarchand , the man who had forced her into this , the man who had forced both of them into it .
24 The funny man who had found her on a distant planet and had treated her as a human being .
25 His smile was open and friendly , and suddenly it seemed preposterous to be standing here , on a Roman street corner , arguing with a man who had taken her from an existence that she 'd hated to one that was all she 'd ever dreamed of .
26 Later he became less abusive and rather pathetically said that he kept himself to himself , that the girl was not roaming the streets getting into trouble like the girls who went to school , that company now would be cruel and shameful to an old man who had provided her with a home , protected her and looked after her in every way .
27 In fact , he was the man who 'd escorted her to the door to mark the end of her first visit .
28 A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who 'd watched her with such intensity during the fashion show .
29 Everything was peaceful — everything but the man who 'd brought her to this place .
30 Did she agonizingly miss the faithless Finn who had deserted her for a cross-eyed creature ?
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