Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [be] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The funeral has taken place of a teenage soldier who was killed by the IRA .
2 ‘ Ihre Kameraden , ’ said a soldier who was sitting by the window .
3 Dundee club coach Stewart Harris , the Teamsport co-ordinator for basketball , is taking over from Lawrence Randak as coach to the student side who are preparing for the British Universities group tournament in Bath next week .
4 The defendant who was employed as the manager of a bookmakers only met customers once ( if at all ) as most business was done by telephone and was of a credit nature .
5 Shortly afterwards they invited the seventh defendant who was employed by the plaintiffs ' group to join them .
6 No further away than this morning The Times printed an advertisement from 209 of the great and the good who are calling for the legalisation of cannabis .
7 In contrast with [ 27 ] , a hearer who is presented with the repetition in [ 25 ] is encouraged to dwell on what he or she knows or imagines about long walks — the physical discomfort perhaps , or , alternatively , the exhilaration derived from the freedom .
8 A police spokesman said : ‘ He told them he could not wake his mummy who was found on the ground floor . ’
9 ( 2 ) ( a ) ( i ) Subject to paragraphs ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) of this Rule a member of a recognised body shall not hold any share in the body for another person save as nominee for a solicitor , a registered foreign lawyer or a recognised body who or which is himself or itself a member or officer of the recognised body or for a solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is working in the practice of the body or for a receiver appointed under section 99 of the Mental Health Act 1983 in respect of any such solicitor or registered foreign lawyer ’ and
10 ( 2 ) ( a ) ( i ) Subject to paragraphs ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) of this Rule a member of a recognised body shall not hold any share in the body for another person save as nominee for a solicitor , a registered foreign lawyer or a recognised body who or which is himself or itself a member or officer of the recognised body or for a solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is working in the practice of the body or for a receiver appointed under section 99 of the Mental Health Act 1983 in respect of any such solicitor or registered foreign lawyer ; and
11 Following 13 years ' deliberation by a special Vatican commission , Pope John Paul II on Oct. 31 formally rehabilitated Galileo Galilei , the Italian astronomer , mathematician and physicist who was forced by the Inquisition in 1633 to recant his assertion that the earth orbited the sun .
12 In fact , he would have made an ideal barrister — and he defended quite a lot of men who were indicted for various things — got them away because he was too cute for the superintendent who was dealing with the job .
13 Four elements of interest and influence need to be weighed against each other , namely the effect of the parent as the educator who is helped by the school , the school as the institutional teacher who is helped by the parent , the school as the manager and decider ( with the parent being kept informed ) and the school itself as the only " real " provider of education .
14 The oldest patient in the study was a 92-year-old retired college professor who was admitted from the emergency department with a 3-day history of productive cough , dyspnoea , and fever .
15 So she hurried downstairs to fix herself some breakfast — and almost stopped in her tracks at the sight of the figure who was seated at the kitchen table .
16 As Lisa pulled the door open Josey stepped out into the night … and literally came within a hair 's breadth of walking straight into the tall dark figure who was striding up the path .
17 An employee who was reprimanded at the end of July 1980 subsequently demanded , through his solicitors , that the letter of reprimand be withdrawn .
18 Executive authority is nominally vested in the President who is elected by the legislature to no more than two five-year terms of office .
19 Federal authority is vested in a President who is elected by the 14-member federal legislature , the National Congress , which is composed of 10 senators elected for two-year terms , and four at-large senators ( one from each state ) who are elected for four years .
20 Executive power is vested in the President who is nominated by the sole legal party , the Revolutionary Party of Tanzania ( Chama cha Mapinduzi — CCM ) , and is elected by direct popular vote for a five-year term , renewable once only .
21 This will also be at a time when the practitioner who is going through the training is not creating a lot by way of billable hours .
22 Directions were given by the experimenter who was seated in the rear of the vehicle .
23 Under the Administration of justice Act 1982 , where a will contains a devise or bequest to a child or remoter descendant of the testator , and the intended beneficiary dies before the testator , leaving issue who are living at the time of the testator 's death , then , unless a contrary intention appears in the will , the devise or bequest passes to the issue living at the testator 's death .
24 They just grabbed this bloke who 's standing outside the music area , thinking he might be a musician and he is n't , but it does n't matter .
25 A twelve year old boy who 's tipped as the next Aled Jones is taking part in an open-air production of Benjamin Britten 's opera ’ The Turn of the Screw ’ .
26 SADIE cuffed the wee boy who was playing with the leather strap that opened the front window and settled down to watch the world rush past and eat her batter .
27 A 16-year-old boy who was trapped in the back of the van also died .
28 Masklin looked at the tall , thin , old nome who was scowling at the three of them .
29 The Titfords ' immediate neighbours boasted domestic servants : two of them to look after a boot manufacturer and his wife at no. 15 , and just the one to attend to the needs of a photographer and his stepdaughter who were living on the other side .
30 She hears the guard who is posted by the slaves ' quarters to her right call , ‘ Halt ’ , but she does n't stop ; she keeps on , and he begins to shout , the torch at his side bobbing and smoking , he does n't come after her ( he must not leave his post ) , but halloos .
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