Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [verb] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Karl is a serious musician who missed out on the nihilism of the Seventies punk and largely retained Sixties hippy values .
2 ‘ Real people — Real problems — a human document ’ declared the poster for There Ai n't No Justice ( 1939 ) , about a boxer who walks out on the crooked world of the professional fighter .
3 Several hours later Sten found a warden who sailed out to the island and dropped the guys off on the nearest bit of mainland .
4 He spoke passably good French and enjoyed discussing food with the pretty young serving girl who came out to the table by the roadside , which the Major had adopted as his vantage point .
5 But this did not deter Mum who leaned out of the window .
6 He was a fiery character of immense stubbornness who stood out against the new plans to merge his land into a co-operative pool that would benefit everyone .
7 A Western resident of Timisoara said that the scale of the violence in the town on Sunday was horrifying , while a Yugoslav lorry driver who came out of the region yesterday reported seeing fires .
8 I always had to call out Mr Davidson — the vet who lived out on the Downs — but he 's gone and retired .
9 This incensed his wife who came out of the house , shouting abuse .
10 The lecturer who stares out of the window , for example , is unlikely to convey to students much personal interest in their learning .
11 Masaryk was an eminent liberal scholar who stood out against the Catholic-led anti-semitic hysteria of the 1890s .
12 The past includes a violent father who walked out on the family when Banks was 12 , and running away from home himself at 18 to join Castro ( ‘ In the late Fifties , remember , he got a great press in the States .
13 He had had severe headaches and depression , and was made nervous by a warning of treachery from a madman who ran out of the woods .
14 My vet — an older man who lived out on the Downs — has just retired , so I 'll try both your practices which will be to my advantage , because when one practice is too busy to come out at once then I can call on the other . ’
15 Shannon slept badly that night , haunted by dreams of great swirling snowflakes and a hawk-faced man who loomed out of the deadly white mass with fury in his eyes .
16 The man who climbed out of the freight car was at least six feet five inches high , a couple of inches taller than the other man , with a horrendously scarred face and a dyed blond pigtail dangling grotesquely from the back of an otherwise shaven head .
17 Mrs McIntosh , she knew , had had a young man who pulled out at the last minute ; she might take him in .
18 As Arthur Emyr , the former Welsh winger who turned out in the Classics International on Saturday morning stated afterwards .
19 Did you hear the one about the rabbi who sneaks out of the synagogue on Shabbos to play a secret game of golf when he should have been praying ?
20 Eliot may not have in his poem Kipling 's Greek slave on a galley out of Egypt , but he does give us a slightly earlier seafarer who sailed out of the Middle East and whose story might be thought to be specially appropriate to those clerks who work in the city —
21 ‘ I do n't want a leader of the country who walks out on the job when things are not going as he wants .
22 ‘ Her mother was a very wealthy woman , and her father was a kind of handyman who helped out in the convent , and did a bit of work up at Westlands .
23 ‘ I worked very closely with the clients who see two sets of proofs , ’ says Cleary , 28 , a history graduate who started out in the antiques world but did n't find the challenge she expected and joined Barkers Trident as an editorial assistant .
24 The wife and mother who goes out of the home to earn a wage , to escape being totally dependent on a man , being isolated in the home , and the penny-pinching that trying to make one wage feed the family involves , takes a second job .
25 Notice the rider who gets out of the saddle briefly .
26 The guy who sat out on the Common , waiting for the spacemen to come .
27 Telling MPs why he was off to the ‘ icy wastes ’ of the backbenches , the ex-Fun Minister said he felt like Captain Oates — the member of Scott 's Antarctic expedition who walked out into the snow to die to give his companions a better chance of survival .
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