Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [verb] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Killed in crossfire … the British soldier who died fighting for the Croatians .
2 Meanwhile a young infantry soldier who had fought in the trenches and had been taken prisoner of war was putting the finishing touches to a philosophical treatise that was to bring traditional philosophy crashing down about its ears .
3 I had a horse who loved going on the beach and in the sea at Weston-Super-Mare but hated puddles and tiny streams .
4 Kellner says one possible explanation is that the 20 per cent of the electorate who refused to respond to the exit polls were disproportionately Tory , or that some voters lied , or both .
5 With their SOE connexions , the SSRF found a dory more suitable than canoes when landing an agent who wanted to melt into the local scene rather than stagger ashore dripping wet from a canoe .
6 No mention is ever made of any of the basic principles of homoeopathy and the undergraduate who has heard of the subject is likely to qualify with an inbuilt prejudice against it which will be difficult for him or her to overcome later on .
7 There may be a booklet on the subject , a special expert in the technical department who has sat on the relevant government fact-finding commission or a market research survey giving the latest market trends , any of which would help the journalists far more than the standard handouts .
8 For example , in 1976 , three DUP councillors in Ballymena boycotted the Remembrance Day service ( an event they would normally have been very keen to support ) because a Roman Catholic priest who had served in the Royal Naval Reserve was reading a lesson .
9 The bag struck the paving , bounced , and now the boy caught it and peeled away the bag to reveal a football which he struck in a high , curling shot which ricocheted off the wall slightly to the left of a priest who had emerged from the large church which dosed off one end of the piazza .
10 Through the crowd round the barrels William saw the priest who 'd officiated at the funeral and who 'd asked him about the hymns .
11 Without close-ups and action replays , I 'm afraid it seemed an awfully slow game and I started counting the number of people in the crowd wearing red , and longing for the little athletic wagtail who kept hopping onto the electronic line bleeper to hop back again .
12 But there are many old residents in the neighbourhood who prefer to stroll along the beach to sitting in front of the goggle-box .
13 ‘ Apparently his wife has some hot-shot L.A. lawyer who intends to go for the jugular .
14 The cube contained the works of a poet who had died in the distant town where Cley was born .
15 It seems certain that the blend of characteristics at Great Witcombe is attributable to a mosaicist who had worked on the St. Nicholas Street mosaic .
16 Dr Richard Webb , an American nuclear physicist who had worked on the early submarine PWRs , produced scenarios which showed that a land area about the size of the British Isles could have to be abandoned in the wake of a catastrophic accident .
17 An assizes court in Paris on June 15 , 1990 , sentenced Rolf Dobbertin , a German-born nuclear physicist who had worked for the French National Council for Scientific Research ( CNRS ) , to 12 years ' imprisonment for espionage for East Germany during the 10 years to January 1979 [ see p. 29786 for his arrest in 1979 and p. 33867 for his release in 1983 ] .
18 I am told that other people have had similar experiences but are not prepared to enlarge on their stories ; perhaps they had seen a ghost of a long-gone railwayman who had worked in the area years ago and had come back to his earthly place of employment !
19 Equally you will not need an application form , except possibly for the record , if you are seeing a single applicant who has applied for the job ‘ on spec . ’
20 And the person who was going to lead them to this golden opportunity was the new driving force who had come to the fore and already earned himself the nickname of ‘ the Eddie Shah of News on Sunday ’ — Chris Walsh .
21 The one-time diplomat who 's served in the Gulf says concern appears to have grown about the way things are developing .
22 Tribute was paid to Wally Heath , a long-serving member of the committee who had died during the year .
23 His appointment on a two-year contract will disappoint David Hobbs , the caretaker who had applied for the job on a permanent basis , but Chris Caisley , the Odsal chairman , hinted yesterday that patience might bring a reward for the Northern captain .
24 And you got this boy who 's shot in the eye by pellets twice who 's got , Mum !
25 It is incumbent upon the researcher to explain clearly at the very onset why the research is being done , what sort of results are hoped for and what feedback there is likely to be which may help the potentate and/or expert who has helped with the project .
26 ‘ Was I the fool who let go of the rudder when the ship was on top of the rock there ?
27 Please find enclosed letters from two members of the Parish Council who have lived in the area for many years and who have personal knowledge of the situation with regard to this route .
28 The Palace , set in idyllic leafy grounds in west London ( the first magnolia to be cultivated in Europe was grown here ) , is owned by Church of England and sub-let to Hammersmith and Fulham Council who have contributed to the cost of the new rooms .
29 One lady who 's gone for the 90's set in a big way is Lisa Stansfield — her sleek , kiss-curl style has been replaced with this fabulous mass of casual curls by a stylist in Paris .
30 And his network will tell him about the consultant who 's got to the top by achieving top-class results .
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