Example sentences of "[noun sg] would [verb] they [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This course of action would expose them to the prospect of mounting fines and eventual seizure of assets .
2 Once I tied a wasp to the striking-surface of each of the copper-coloured bells on the top , where the little hammer would hit them in the morning when the alarm went off .
3 They would become subject to the same conditions of claiming benefit as men : for example , it would be a matter of discretionary decision on the part of the allocators of SB as to whether the existence of children or other dependants at home would relieve them of the need to register for work ( DHSS , 1978a , p.95 ) .
4 Members of the nursing profession , who once assumed that training for registration would equip them for a career in nursing now realise that this is no longer the case .
5 Some aircraft were prevented from appearing the ‘ pans ’ on the crowd-side of the airfields , because their turning circle would place them on the grass and at risk of bogging .
6 No , indeed , and in many cases people erm if the case is relatively straightforward , an ordinary moating case , they do perfectly well doing it themselves because the Court would assist them with the procedure , the Clerk of the Court would assist them with the procedure , and every effort would be made to assist an unrepresented defendant with the procedure as it goes along .
7 No , indeed , and in many cases people erm if the case is relatively straightforward , an ordinary moating case , they do perfectly well doing it themselves because the Court would assist them with the procedure , the Clerk of the Court would assist them with the procedure , and every effort would be made to assist an unrepresented defendant with the procedure as it goes along .
8 Naas trainer Arthur Moore and Yorkshire-based Jimmy FitzGerald entered their star novice chasers to see what chance the handicapper would give them against the established performers in next month 's £32,000-added showpiece .
9 When Soviet citizens began to question the merits of nuclear energy , they were questioning one of the most basic assumptions of their system : that communism would lead them into the high-tech future , and that the high-tech future would be greatly better than the present .
10 It had taken her three full days and now they were to be carried downstairs and arranged in the hall , after which her sister would take them to the post office .
11 Tho' saucy Wits shou 'd tell them with a Sneer ,
12 Although which river had been kept secret from Trent , he was certain that it would be the north fork of the Belpan where a bend would hide them from the road bridge .
13 The grandfather was a favourite with the neighbouring children too , ‘ a great one for stories ’ , and in the summer would sit them on a seat outside his door , ‘ not only his own grandchildren but other children about , listening to the tales he used to tell , about old Dumfries ’ : of the murderess Mary Timmony , for example , the last woman publicly hanged in Dumfries .
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