Example sentences of "[noun sg] would [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The car would do it for a minute or two .
2 A more charitable and interpretive transliteration would render it as a ( i.e. ‘ unhatted ’ a with a long backstroke ( a .
3 Western strategists maintained that the proposal not to deploy nuclear weapons in the Persian Gulf would leave it under the umbrella of Soviet nuclear weapons deployed in the Soviet Union .
4 And if a developer could not immediately secure rent from premises it builds at the dock , the Private Finance Initiative would provide it in the short-term , until the property market improves .
5 Melts that had frozen within this subconscious lithosphere would enrich it in the same elements that are enriched in the crust , so it has not been possible to distinguish between these theories .
6 However , the Law Commission expressed the hope that if the practice became widespread , the Office of Fair Trading would prevent it under the powers granted by the Fair Trading Act 1973 .
7 If there were some point under heated discussion , either he or I would write a letter to our own newspaper , using a Burmese pseudonym , and the other would answer it in the name of government .
8 Hopes that a woman would make it to the last hurdle are receding as the Soviets have made it clear they would like the two candidates to be of the same sex .
9 For example , followers of Islam would regard it as a blatant affront to the omnipotence of Allah/ God that He should be confined within a mortal frame , yet they accord Jesus an important role as a prophet .
10 No one would come forward to claim the body and Athelstan knew the parish watch would bury it like the decaying corpse of a dog .
11 Similarly , a fall in income would shift it to the left .
12 I knew the Führer would forget it within a matter of days and he did , only Himmler did n't .
13 Just to be on the safe side we had a long rope attached to the raft and tied round a tree on the bank so that if the Indians lost control the rope would pull it to a stop .
14 However , a Hallidayan linguist would analyse it as a fronted theme + rheme sequence , whereas a Prague linguist would analyse it as a rheme-theme sequence .
15 However , a Hallidayan linguist would analyse it as a fronted theme + rheme sequence , whereas a Prague linguist would analyse it as a rheme-theme sequence .
16 The busker who plays Chariots Of Fire on a Casio organ at Bank would leave it in a trice if only he could think of some other way of turning a penny .
17 The Lieb-Hirmer collaboration has produced one of the finest accounts of Southern German Baroque available , and an English translation would bring it to an even wider public .
18 On the Government 's own figures , over 30% of those who would otherwise have received legal aid next year would lose it as a result of the proposed changes .
19 If the seismically peculiar D ’ layer at the base of the mantle is the source of plumes , as some geophysicists now suspect ( for example , ref. 10 ) , its volume is such that the present plume flux would exhaust it in a few hundred million years , implying that proto-plume material is quickly cycled through the layer .
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