Example sentences of "[noun sg] will follow in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Motif will follow in the third quarter .
2 General availability to the rest of the Sparc-compatible community will follow in the fourth quarter .
3 More of this story will follow in the next issue .
4 Three Vee 's copies of the Activity Book will follow in the normal course of events and should be with you soon .
5 Also interesting is that an A format will follow in the normal way .
6 SPSS 5.0 is available now on IBM Corp RS/6000s and support for Hewlett-Packard Co HP 700s , Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstation 10s and Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha workstations running the OSF/1 operating system will follow in the third quarter .
7 SPSS 5.0 is available now on IBM RS/6000s and support for Hewlett-Packard Co HP 700s , Sun Microsystems Inc Sparctstation 10s and DEC 's Alpha workstations running the OSF/1 operating system will follow in the third quarter .
8 The 25-person , privately-owned White Cross is busy setting up overseas operations : a Dallas , Texas-based office is due to open by the end of the year and a Far East office will follow in the first quarter of 1993 .
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