Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those wanting to spot the more unusual wild flower would appreciate the Autumn Gentian which like the Chiltern Gentian has been successsfully cultivated here .
2 I see erm it also misheard me here because I 'm involved in designing a television series as well on the construction industry also gives me some interesting data about the industry was it ten per cent of the nation 's workforce works for the construction industry which in an average year will turn over thirty five billion pounds
3 It has been a particular source of worry that sales of the magazine have been so low ; in fact on the current issue we made a considerable loss which as a small Society is very difficult to cover .
4 I mean by this it was not the sort of preparation which on the one hand Elizabethan erm critics and writers of rhetoric books , or on the other hand Ezra Pound in the twentieth century would advise to the poet that he must learn to turn a good sonnet or write in all the metrical forms , or accomplish himself deftly in the technical devices .
5 I 'm not above all this , still boasting about my San Diego built glass-shafted driver which on a good day hits with a snap .
6 That just depicts the same structure in terms of constituents and sub-constituents , so the whole thing is a sentence which in the bracketing notation just has the sentence with its bracket and the other bracket 's way down the other end , and this is mirrored by the label sentence occurring at the top of the tree , it means it covers everything below it roughly .
7 Money which in the sixteenth century had played merely a marginal , though a necessary part , now became the one thing necessary for the maintenance of life …
8 Can we wait for prosperity and education to keep mankind in check ; so the humble villager , the wretched dweller in the shantytown does n't choose the traditional , unthinking , long-term option of a dozen children , the decision which in the long term destroys both them and theirs ?
9 " It 'll be good for a giggle , as Charlie says , " she concluded , with a look which on a lesser woman could have been called coy .
10 She really made Seles fight , in a hard-hitting baseline battle which at the same time surely set a new decibel record !
11 An arbitrary temperature T o is first chosen to serve as a reference which in the present case is 298 K. As values of the relaxation modulus have been measured at widely differing temperatures , they must be corrected for changes in the sample density with temperature to give a reduced modulus , where ρ and ρ o are the polymer densities at T and T o respectively .
12 The virtue of immediate or shortly forthcoming abolition of the trade abolitionists proclaimed as an act of justice and humanity which at the same time offered the greatest stimulus to reform of slavery on the plantations .
13 Boot will always be remembered for his share in our joint invention of the cavity magnetron which at an early stage produced pulses of radiation of many kilowatts at wavelengths of 9–10 centimetres .
14 These meetings were often passionate affairs : the deadening decorum which in the twentieth century has come to be identified with religious gatherings did not prevail in the nineteenth century .
15 In fact I had never even imagined life without fat so it was something of a challenge to create a very low fat diet for myself , first of all , and then for my slimmers — a diet which at the same time as being very low in fat included all the necessary nutrients .
16 There are an awful lot of children in the United Kingdom in fact who are living in the sort of poverty and who 's parents are living in the sort of poverty which in a rich country like our own , should not be tolerated .
17 From the time of that first evolutionary change , and onwards through the whole of the Second Period , that is , from the start of life to the dawn of civilisation , millions of evolutionary events took place which from the very beginning were moving towards the creation of an ever more sensitive , complex and capable physical being , and this being , ultimately to become man , was always at the head of the process no matter what had gone before .
18 He had also , however , as Churchill perceived , conceded to Gandhi and the Congress movement a degree of recognition of their importance which in the long run could do the British no good .
19 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
20 Thus myth is the necessary consequence of science , even its purpose ; and the demand for knowledge which on a lower level is hostile to art ultimately becomes a need for art .
21 Curiously it was the less forward-looking G major Sonata which in the faster figuration of its flanking movements once or twice had me longing for the greater clarity of a modern grand — likewise its greater ability to sing in the slow movement .
22 ( A Mrs. Furness , for example , ‘ was last night seized with vertigo and other symptoms of congestion of the head which by the immediate application of a dozen leeches was presently relieved … ’ ) .
23 He then holds up his own ideal , a calculated inversion which in a normal man might be the text for a denunciation of what Cicero called the treachery ‘ lurking under the false show of loyal service ’ : At this point , normally , the attack on evil would be made ; but Iago unconcernedly identifies himself with this group : ‘ These fellows have some soul , /And such a one do I profess myself ’ ( 53ff . ) .
24 However , it was precisely the lack of consensus about Thebes ' — or anybody else 's — leadership which in the fifth century led to federalism of so unusual and developed a kind , and which gave Boiotia the cohesion , and the manpower , to defeat Sparta at Leuktra in 371 .
25 The autobiographical source of the novel also goes some way to explaining the method of presentation of Antoine 's character which at a personal level reflects a tension between a father and a son , and at a historical level reflects a tension between two different epochs .
26 But why this peculiar organization of the horseman 's day which to a large extent cut across the hours of the other workers on the farm ?
27 The whole purpose of imposing a section 2 requirement upon a suspected or accused person must be to obtain from him information and evidence which in an appropriate case , and subject only to the subsection ( 8 ) restriction on the use of statements made by him , can be deployed against him .
28 Yet the young are living in an age which over the past year has become dramatically uncertain .
29 ‘ … the extent of the establishment is but barely sufficient for the exigencies of the County , and it can not be contended that it is on too large or extravagant a scale ; the number of patients constantly on the books of the Infirmary ; the high reputation which it has justly acquired under the excellent management of the medical and other officers belonging to it ; the strict economy which to the general satisfaction of the Governors has been observed in the ordinary expenditure of the House … call forcibly upon the County at large to hold out a protecting hand to save it from ruin which appears inevitably to have waited , if not averted by our timely interference . ’
30 In an amplified state it is generally referred to as ‘ expanded consciousness ’ — a condition that allows us to process through our nervous system , information from the environment which during a normal state of consciousness is totally inaccessible .
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