Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [be] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 More typically , the individual child stands at the teacher 's desk , muttering or stentoriously chanting for a few minutes , until checked by the ticking of a card which is slipped into the reading book at the page he or she has reached , or is expected to reach " by next time " .
2 Every year in Great Britain hundreds of acres of trees are destroyed , a loss which is carried into the future , for fires mean a loss of that timber needed in the years to come .
3 unc The numerator carried into the tenths column leaves a remainder which is carried into the hundredths column .
4 One of the most inhumane aspects of the grynd is the use of a stout metal hook which is driven into the whale 's neck , often from a boat .
5 It is a thin , lubricated sheath made of polyurethane which is inserted into the vagina in a similar way to a diaphragm .
6 This is an attachment on the pump cable which is pushed into the plug socket of the domestic supply like an ordinary plug .
7 Police sources said it was the detonator — with a small package of Semtex at its core — which failed to ignite and set off the bags of nitrate-based fertiliser which were packed into the rear of the van .
8 These were very much in the tradition of the older polyphonic laudi , but before long imitation and chromaticism appeared in Oratorian laudi and by the end of the century an element of dramatic dialogue which was to flower into the full-blown ‘ oratorio ’ .
9 If the VCR 's input socket is for ‘ mic ’ level inputs , the ‘ line ’ signals should be reduced to match via an attenuator lead which is connected into the set-up at ‘ X ’ .
10 The system consists of two parts : a transmitter which is plugged into the main audio system and a receiver which is carried around by the person .
11 It is ironic that the organisation which is researching into the falling hare population , the Game Conservancy ( Monitor .
12 The sap which was emitted into the tank water as the plant ‘ broke down ’ contains co carcinogenics , phorbyl esters and cytotoxin to name but a few poisons .
13 Marx 's social theory , although it did not advance in any detail beyond the analysis of capitalism as a mode of production to a study of the state and politics , did none the less sketch a conception of political development which was assimilated into the doctrines and practices of a large part of the European labour movement .
14 Applications of the technology include individual houses in Germany and Switzerland that generate power during the day which is fed into the national grid , from which power is drawn at night .
15 Any new timber which is introduced into the treated areas in repair or replacement work should also be treated with preservative containing an insecticide .
16 To support the event , therefore , ‘ product price ’ should be included in the PRODUCT entity , or in another entity which is brought into the model .
17 ‘ What I hope will come out of the book is this : the Americans have a joint US/Russian commission which is looking into the matter , and I think it is about time that the British government asked for a seat on that commission .
18 I am constantly ‘ working ’ with my second rod while keeping a watchful eye on my other rod which is cast into the hotspot .
19 ‘ My query about the weight is to ascertain the dose of anaesthetic to put in the barrel of the dart which is shot into the animal by the Cap Chur gun .
20 The book was never published in America , but I was still called to testify at the committee hearing of the US Senate which was looking into the fate of the missing US prisoners of war .
21 The sample is collected via a small needle which is inserted into the space surrounding the spinal cord which is bathed by the CSF .
22 Any invalid information which is entered into the fields causes an asterisk ( * ) to be displayed beside the field .
23 The survey showed that the main impact of the four to six million barrels of oil which were poured into the Gulf during the 1990-91 Gulf War was limited to the northern shores .
24 The Edwardians were much perturbed by what was known as the problem of ‘ boy labour ’ and the structural unemployment which was built into the labour market for youths .
25 On the coast where we turn right and inland to the village of São Vicente ( 116km ) there is a tiny chapel which was built into the rock beside the mouth of the river in 1692 .
26 It was a most fruitful involvement and I can never be grateful enough for what I learned about the long history of Burma and the Buddhist culture which was woven into the life of the people .
27 Within a few thousand years , the debris left by the occupants — including some of their remains , their artefacts and the burnt flints — was incorporated in a deposit which was forced into the cave from the outside by water .
28 The seasiders increased their lead on 37 minutes when Glendinning again provided the cross from the left which was turned into the net by McCallan at the back post .
29 In addition to the relationship display which is incorporated into the alphabetical list of subject terms , thesauri often incorporate other lists which help to show the relationships between terms .
30 It was this solution which was incorporated into the working of the 1885 act in its final form , when the new Conservative government dropped the contentious clauses extending police powers of search and arrest .
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