Example sentences of "[noun sg] if [pers pn] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It makes a firmer fabric than an every needle rib , makes a double jacquard pattern shorter and truer to the actual pattern and , also , you can use it for the plain rows instead of the ‘ striper ’ card if you like the texture .
2 Obviously it 's a real cost to the Revenue if it loses the ACT . ’
3 The leading central banks are expected to redouble their efforts to push down the dollar once the German decision is announced — something which may ease pressure on the pound if it changes the focus of attention in the foreign exchange markets .
4 ‘ There 'd be more enticement if they improved the food . ’
5 You will need to get a receipt for the materials if you do the work yourself or the bill from the contractor if you have the work done for you .
6 For example , we believe as a group that we can only survive in our chosen business of the chemical industry if we serve the customers who are at the leading edge of development , wherever they may be .
7 They were also hoping by these means to avoid causing resentment at infringement of separate national sovereignties which would be a possible result if they enlisted the aid of the British government .
8 On some machines I find I get a better result if I manipulate the edge needles in exactly the same way as Far Isle .
9 In my hon. Friend the Minister 's view , what would be the effect on the economy and inward investment if she abolished the ceiling on national insurance , increased the ordinary rate and basic rate of tax for a third of the population in the south-east and introduced a higher rate of value added tax on luxury products — all measures proposed by the Labour party ?
10 It 's okay to be a professional soldier if you join the army of your own country .
11 The quotas cover 39 species ; the National Marine Fisheries Service can halt fishing if it finds the catch has reached the quota for the first six months of the year .
12 The Minister said that British consumers would not want to buy inhumanely produced veal if they had the choice .
13 ‘ It would be a great tragedy if I lost the freedom to pursue educational objectives such as these .
14 Of course he 'd sue me for slander if I made the accusation publicly .
15 However , in a famous paper written in 1905 , Einstein pointed out that such observers could all measure the same speed of light if they abandoned the idea of a universal time .
16 The spinal patients were instructed to empty their bowels in their usual manner the night before the test while the normal subjects were encouraged to defecate before the study if they felt the need to do so .
17 However even if the court calls one of the ‘ if X ’ conditions a question of fact , it will substitute its view as to the meaning of that term if it conceives the fact to be jurisdictional .
18 He intended to resign his seat if he won the election .
19 People are led to believe they might not get their mail if they use the townland .
20 Please make every effort to write , because councillors can only take action if they have the community behind them .
21 A woman with feelings of that intensity might be capable of any action if she thought the man she loved was seriously in love with someone else .
22 ‘ There were also leaks to the Scottish newspapers spreading the rumour that I would lose the chairmanship of the Scottish Affairs Committee if I defied the Whips .
23 It suggests that a man should be liable for rape if he knows the woman is not consenting , is aware that she might not be consenting or , as stated in Kimber , Satnam and S. , does not believe that she is consenting .
24 There were also councils of an altogether different political complexion who knew full well that most of their electorate would not make an issue if they skimped the care of minority , socially disadvantaged groups .
25 Apart from landmarks , pigeons could also home without any great navigational skill if they learned the direction on the way out .
26 A SIII bonnet will fit a SII if you change the hinges .
27 Mercedes SL can be provoked into oversteer if you cut the power in a bend ( above — but , with ASR traction control as fitted to test car , all that 's really on offer is artificially strong understeer ( right ) .
28 Whatever our misgivings about the story 's historicity ( and we make a grave and fundamental error if we think the value of a passage like this is measured by the extent of its historicity ) , and however confident we might be about its origins , it asks and surely deserves to be taken on the storyteller 's own terms .
29 Any standard round canopy will drift at wind speed as soon as that release pin opens the pack , and that means a chase if you take the carrier to any great height .
30 Ramsay interrupted to ask what should be their plan if they found the camp roused — even though there was still no indication of this ?
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