Example sentences of "[noun sg] if [pron] [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For example , we believe as a group that we can only survive in our chosen business of the chemical industry if we serve the customers who are at the leading edge of development , wherever they may be .
2 ‘ There were also leaks to the Scottish newspapers spreading the rumour that I would lose the chairmanship of the Scottish Affairs Committee if I defied the Whips .
3 A SIII bonnet will fit a SII if you change the hinges .
4 The equally earnest Anglo-French Declaration of 1918 promising the Arabs of former Ottoman colonies their independence if they supported the Allies against the Turks fell into much the same category , although it was not a promise that was intended to be kept .
5 Where the company is a parent or subsidiary undertaking or where the total directors ' emoluments ( including pension contributions ) is £60,000 or more , the following should be disclosed : emoluments of chairman emoluments of highest paid director if they exceed the emoluments of the chairman the number of directors whose emoluments fall within rising bands of £5,000 .
6 You may apply for a job in the next grade if you meet the requirements stated in the job advertisement .
7 The obscurity of parts of scripture was also a source of embarrassment if one took the books collectively to be the essential medium of divine revelation ; but that could be mitigated by allegory , or by the principle that obscure texts are interpreted by what is clear .
8 It would n't be too difficult to restretch your canvas if you removed the staples and tacks and just reset the stretched frame .
9 The Penal Notice contained in the N 117 for undertakings states : you may be sent to prison for contempt of court if you break the promises that you have given to the court .
10 Erm I think we ought to make a pact not to blame each other if we copy the answers on th kind of thing
11 ‘ But how are we ever going to listen to each other if we hold the views that we have about each other , and if we talk the way we talk to each other the way we do in the cases ? ’
12 What prospect has the prisoner of redress if he abandons the complaints procedure and applies to the courts ?
13 They thought it over and suggested a percentage to the labourer if he provided the baskets and made the sale .
14 National capital aids are not eligible for EEC reimbursement if they exceed the levels permitted under Article 4.2. except for certain grants ( including those for land improvement or for the protection/improvement of the environment ) .
15 Suffice it to say that the cross-sectional survey is not well attuned to handling processes , but this is a much more serious matter if one abandons the assumptions of symmetry and reversibility .
16 It will not matter which side you choose as the base line if you remember the rules Mr Osfrt and Mr Isflt tell us .
17 Now this question will be answered in the wrong way if we forget the qualifications , forced upon us by the adoption of Wittgenstein 's notion of language-games , which permeate the implications of such talk about dumb animals .
18 I think in the course of time I 'll find a middle If I soften the edges — whether I need to personally or whether it 's being imposed on me — I feel I 'll be letting down the feminist revolution .
19 It 's often easier for children if you make the choice on their behalf , and it saves time if they know the groups they 're going to work in before they get to the hall or drama space .
20 Now if we take it just one step further , there was a lady well there still is a lady called and she did some research , what she was trying to look at was the the sort of body language if you like the actions that people er use and associate that to their personality and she looked particularly at people who were open positive communicators truthful I suppose but people who were open communicators and looked at the sort of things they did and also at people who perhaps were n't quite so honest and open and truthful .
21 Perhaps we could arrange to go as a foursome ; we 'd have no trouble getting a table if I make the arrangements . ’
22 He said he would get my family if I told the police .
23 Furthermore , external auditors are left with a very difficult decision as to whether they should report to a third party if they suspect the directors of a company are involved in fraud or other illegal activities .
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