Example sentences of "[noun sg] if [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Small said : ‘ Our normal opening hours will be 9am-5.30pm but it will be up to the tenants ’ association if they want late night shopping .
2 Consumers could be committing fraud if they provide false information on a credit application form .
3 ‘ Those worst hit will be people like nurses , teachers , police officers and local government employees — people who pay their taxes and work hard but will only get legal aid if they pay huge amounts . ’
4 ‘ The worst hit will be people who pay taxes and work hard but will only get legal aid if they pay huge amounts ’ ‘ What is the point of having laws and courts if large numbers of people can not use them because of the price ? ’
5 It was used to argue that all members of the household should contribute to local revenue if they used local services .
6 Would that passionless person mind if she got bad notices ?
7 To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he has any plans to meet the chief constable of Essex to discuss proper implementation of section 39 of the Public Order Act 1986 in the Thurrock parliamentary constituency .
8 To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he has any plans to increase the penalties for the unlawful occupation of private or public land by traveller families ; and if he will make a statement .
9 Motorists should ask about hygiene if they have any worries . ’
10 How could his son become a priest if he read such books ?
11 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he has any plans to visit Mucking Flats in south-east Essex , to discuss industrial growth in the area .
12 Erm , no , I mean , ideally you 'll make the break if you have another ball .
13 ( Technically I should have Norris 's solo room because I 've been in the flat longest , but that room 's small and noisy ; also , Gav does n't snore and he 's quite happy to retreat to the living room couch if I have female company
14 He said they could have a picnic if they brought some cake out into the garden , but they did n't seem to understand him .
15 Go and ask mummy if she wants any tea .
16 It was always worse going down , and spiral stairs were the very devil in the dark if you had big feet .
17 Equally with a sensation , saying ‘ by ‘ pain ’ I mean that ’ will only achieve the desired effect if we have some means of separating characteristics which are to be relevant from those which are not .
18 They even , praise be , asked skiers at the end of the day whether they had enjoyed the experience , hopefully so that they could take positive action if they had any complaints or worthwhile suggestions .
19 BELVILLE:I 'll do you no harm if you forbear this noise but otherwise take what follows .
20 He will be able to declare a ballot void if it appears third parties have interfered by voting when not entitled to do so , tampering with ballot papers , interfering with voters or exerting undue influence .
21 ‘ I wo n't impinge at all on their consciousness if I spend all night being force-fed by you . ’
22 Co-operative R&D may also reduce the costs of doing research if it eliminates wasteful duplication of R&D projects , and , to the extent that co-operating firms apply their research in a wider range of output markets , cooperative R&D ventures may undertake more productive research .
23 One of the ARA stewards then approached these young men and told them that they would not be allowed on the march if they carried Anti-Nazi League placards .
24 ‘ He should not , ’ I said , ‘ invite people to join a committee if he has any doubts about their integrity . ’
25 In this case the judge held that a man is not guilty of rape if he has sexual intercourse with a woman who does not consent to it if he believes she does consent , whether his belief is based on reasonable grounds or not .
26 Under present law , whether a man administers a threat or not , he can be liable for rape if he has sexual intercourse with a woman knowing that she has submitted out of fear .
27 If the decision applies in this context , then a defendant will be guilty of rape if he has sexual intercourse with a non-consenting woman without giving any thought to the possibility that she might not be consenting even though the risk of this was obvious .
28 The general impression conveyed is that these women would not necessarily be more satisfied with work if they saw more people , but that they would certainly be less dissatisfied .
29 IF THE summer turns out to be hot , it will be a lot less work if you plant outdoor tomatoes in the ground rather than in growing bags .
30 The Office of Fair Trading director general Sir Gordon Borrie has warned brewers he will use powers available through the Competition Act and Fair Trading Act if he believes long-term supply agreements are being used to frustrate the loosening of the tie .
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