Example sentences of "[noun sg] can be [verb] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Excess fabric can be tied back with a ribbon .
2 Its origin can be traced back to the Sumerians and Babylonians .
3 As a result of the loss carry back , this ACT will be surplus and , provided a claim can be made within the two year limit , the ACT can be carried back from that later period .
4 A substantial proportion can be referred back to their general practitioners once a thorough assessment has been carried out .
5 This view of capitalist management can be traced back to Marx 's conception of the individual capitalist as the mere ‘ personification of capital ’ .
6 The 1974 reorganisation of the NHS was guided by similar views and several themes of the new public management can be traced back to the Fulton Report on the Civil Service published in 1968 .
7 This instrument was known to Ptolemy in the second century AD , and — the underlying mathematical theory of stereographic projection can be traced back at least to Ptolemy 's great predecessor Hipparchus ( second century BC ) .
8 The germ of several measures whereby Britain ( and other states ) might receive assistance can be traced back to at least the autumn of 1938 .
9 The authoritarian philosophy can be traced back to sixteenth-century England , where strict controls were imposed on the publication of what were regarded by the king and his advisers as seditious pamphlets and journals .
10 The history of the mill can be traced back to 1710 but quite possibly there may have been an older mill on the same site .
11 It is now recognised by staff that much of the apprehension and anxiety can be traced back to lack of communication and Wilson-Barnett ( 1988 ) discusses the development of different approaches to rectify the situation , drawing distinctions between information-giving , patient teaching or education , and counselling .
12 As the modern term for this genre the word fabliau can be traced back to scholarly writing of the seventeenth century .
13 In some cases aggression can be traced back to incidents which happened in the puppy 's past .
14 The Donnington site can be traced back to at least 1291 , when it was one of the two mills of the Manor of Broadwell .
15 The origins of UAPT-Infolink plc can be traced back to a group of traders meeting in coffee houses to exchange their personal experience of bad debtors .
16 The development of the FEL can be traced back to 1950 , when Hans Motz injected 3 MeV electrons from the Stanford linear accelerator ( linac ) into a magnetic undulator , producing millimetre and submillimetre radiation .
17 What Weismann realized was that nothing that happens to your body can be translated back into your genes as it were .
18 If the most significant work influencing an author is not cited by him , because of his perception of the possible effect of the citation on the judgmental faculties of the paper 's readership , then this calls into question one of the most fundamental precepts of bibliometrics : that the existence of a citation is an acknowledgement of influence , and it also breaks the audit trail by which published knowledge can be referred back to its origination .
19 Other breeds have colour-pointed varieties such as the White Galloway and White Welsh , but these are colour varieties within their breeds rather than separate breeds and quite often their non-standard colour can be traced back to crossings with White Park or British White in the past .
20 Surprisingly , the turning point that saw a struggling business transformed into a trendsetting group that has become a household name can be traced back to a Dutch merchant banker , who persuaded Conran to widen his horizons .
21 Once the servicing valve is fitted the water can be turned back on .
22 In reality , these devices are a form of laser whose development can be traced back to the post-war years and which have a wide range of applications beyond generating very high powers .
23 The idea of a primeval golden age can be traced back to the Sumerians ( c.2000 BC ) .
24 As Elcock ( 1986 , Chapter 9 ) points out , town and country , planning can be traced back to the Victorian era when enlightened industrialists sought to improve areas such as Bournville in Birmingham and Saltaire in West Yorkshire .
25 The movement can be traced back to 1844 when it started in Rochdale .
26 Lavender 's use can be traced back to the Greeks and Romans and it is more than likely that it was used all round the Mediterranean by Egyptians , Arabs , and Sumerians for a variety of domestic , cosmetic and perfumery needs .
27 It was much used in mediaeval times in Britain and , indeed , its use can be traced back for 3,000 years .
28 Many of the training difficulties encountered with dogs in later life can be traced back to allowing them to exert a subtle dominance over you at any early stage , while they are puppies .
29 Using a principle of recession , Pynchon even suggests that historical plotting can be traced back through its superficial manifestations to the grouping of raw matter or to the genetic code itself !
30 Once you 've er got over the newness of it the the the thing can be put in away in a drawer can be put back in it 's box .
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