Example sentences of "[noun sg] from [pron] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The only disappointment from my point of view was that the timetable for my leaving was chosen for me .
2 Meryl was still puzzled by the lack of feedback from her consultant with respect to her failed job application .
3 Shapes move forward in the fading light to collect their pile of puris , the due from their offerings of flour and oil , and a few small pieces of meat , prasād .
4 I hoped that it would distract his mind from his problems at work .
5 There are many advantages of working this way , two of which are that the performance technique required is minimal , well within the abilities of the class to achieve a satisfactory result from their point of view , and that it allows the class and its individual members to control the emotional input .
6 A few will now find their position alleviated by obtaining a scholarship from their Inn of Court or a loan from funds administered by the Senate , but these can not be counted .
7 In the light from her bit of candle , Rose glared at Evelyn .
8 The legal profession offers only a limited range of negative criteria , although there exist many eulogies of good practice from which rules of conduct could be extrapolated by a neophyte practitioner ( e.g. Malcolm 1966 ; Megarry 1962 ) .
9 Ted had given up all hope of enlarging his holding and was concentrating his efforts on farming his existing soil , making a reasonable living from his multiplicity of vegetable crops , when a letter arrived one day explaining to him that if he still wanted to buy the adjoining land , the owners were interested in discussing the matter .
10 The theme I am looking at in this study is that of the illicit passions of married women and their escape from their places in society .
11 He was a small man with a shock of white hair , and a ruddy complexion from his liking for port .
12 It is is a matter of coincidence we think that our moon is just exactly the right size to fit over the sun from our point of view .
13 She had vital help from her counsellor at Victim Support .
14 On the one hand , if they are mothers they are more likely to delay seeking help from their GP for fear that their children will be taken into care .
15 This is significant because , as we have seen , for a tippee to be liable , the tipper must , inter alia , receive some direct or indirect benefit from his breach of duty ; in the case of a temporary insider , liability is not contingent upon the person from whom he receives the information .
16 But are our relationships a shade cold-blooded from their point of view ?
17 Occasionally in times of dire need they may rouse a dragon from its centuries of slumber , but only their greatest heroes can aspire to ride such ferocious steeds .
18 He remembered little things — childhood images trapped in memory : his father 's hand laid momentarily on his mother 's as they sat at table ; laughter from their bedroom at night ; his mother straightening his father 's tie and drawing her finger in a delicate gesture along his cheek .
19 Given Rodin 's collaboration with his photographers , these old photographs go far in answering the question from which points of view and from what distances they should be seen .
20 Despite what has been said ( p. 50 ) about an inference from our conception of causation to a conclusion about the nature of reality , our present concern is that conception .
21 ‘ I 've been wondering — trying to see the place from your point of view .
22 He caught the words — " Never been near a Shape " — and a moment later Cowslip replied , " Well , it makes no difference from our point of view . "
23 When I suggested this feature for the programme in the clubhouse , I was amazed no one put forward a match from my period as manager .
24 However , the emotion that is of the greatest importance from our point of view , in its effect on the domestic horse , is that of anxiety .
25 Next month Mr Alan Oyston will take early retirement from his job as principal of Stockton and Billingham Technical College after 35 years in education .
26 We can help you plan your business from our selection of hotel and travel guides , which include the FT World Hotel Directory and the Travel Planner Guides to Europe and N. America .
27 ‘ Nice car , ’ said Jimmy , wiping the condensation from his patch of window , but still giving himself only a blurred view .
28 Because the determination of the people erm is erm still great to erm win their war from their point of view , as a gentleman earlier was saying that erm had erm had Arabic experience .
29 In a similar way the fail rids its system of ammonia , the primary water product from its conversion of food into body tissues .
30 It is open to the double objection of having been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by pressure through her husband and without independent advice , and of having been obtained by a husband from his wife by pressure and concealment of material facts .
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