Example sentences of "[noun sg] but [prep] the [noun sg] it " in BNC.

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1 The Trinity has remained the kingpin of Greek and Russian spirituality but in the West it has tended to retreat to the sidelines and many find it an impossible concept : God is seen as One and Jesus often becomes a sort of divine friend in a vision which robs the Christian mystery of much of its transcendent power .
2 We have excellent navigation equipment but on the day it is back to basics .
3 The videotaping of the child 's statement comes at a crucial point in that process but for the child it is only one part of it .
4 It 'll be be much more straightforward when they 've got the whole thing on the computer but at the moment it 's a transitional phase .
5 Though this is not to say that abortion is a topic to be taken lightly as it is a human life a woman is dealing with and I think she should think carefully about all her options before she makes a decision but in the end it is her baby and up to her what happens .
6 Action in the majority of adventure stories is seen both to affect and to be affected by character but in the end it is action that has the final word , in the romantic happy ending in which the heroism of man is affirmed .
7 British public opinion welcomed the Charter but for the government it involved repudiating the policies of protection and imperial preference , adopted in the depths of the world depression .
8 A bank deposit is an asset to the individual as the holder of the claim but to the bank it appears as a liability in its balance sheet .
9 In its defence the computer points out that the problem lies not in its answer but in the question it was asked in the first place .
10 Of course the bigger clients are getting the message and do keep in touch but with the rest it 's proving hard work teasing out the issues and reassuring there 's value in it for them .
11 It was recorded with the original Wedding Present line-up but by the time it was released in February 1988 , Shaun Charman had been replaced by Simon Smith .
12 He added : ‘ That is the only way we can clear the town of the problem but at the moment it is a bit of an uphill battle . ’
13 The time taken to complete one revolution of the Earth is decreasing over aeons of time but at the moment it is , give or take the odd second , 24 hours ; this defines the solar day .
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