Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [pron] [verb] down the " in BNC.

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1 It was growing dark as I walked down the pier alone , his jacket draped over my shoulders , and I wondered if I should really look for Wilde at all .
2 They followed the car as it tore down the M4 , finally reaching Bristol .
3 He is starting his reply as I put down the receiver .
4 In the opening sequence he is seen hanging on to the top of a jeep as it careers down the rock of Gibraltar .
5 He was watching through the door-space as he backed down the hallway .
6 She had watched from the window as they walked down the jetty , anxious as a mother sending her children off on their first day at school .
7 The landlord , partially blinded as he turned from sunlight into gloom , was aware only of a shadow ; a stirring of air ; a faint dull patter mixing into the rowdy mob-noise , and something brushing featherlight against his thigh as he waddled down the passage .
8 So the arrival at the Grand Quay of that famous pirate ship the ‘ Black Pig ’ caused no excitement , and Captain Pugwash , the Mate , Barnabas , Willy and Tom the cabin boy attracted little attention as they stepped down the gangplank and set off to view the sights of the town .
9 She had caught his eye as she came down the aisle .
10 Sara shivered a little in her thin American suit as she walked down the gangway and got into the bus which was to take her and the other passengers to the arrival building .
11 As a church architect , I have visited , I believe , all the cathedrals in Europe — Chartres , Burgos , Canterbury , Cologne , Saragossa , Milano , Ely , Zagreb , Gozo , Rheims — ’ I continued to name them for some while as we tramped down the nave .
12 He opened the throttle as he turned left into Station Road The burble of the exhaust turned to a bellow as he raced down the long gentle slope towards Newtown .
13 ‘ Ah , ’ Karl shook his head as he looked down the avenue .
14 The man stripping off his helmet as he strode down the room was tall and broad-shouldered , and moved with the leashed power of the hunter .
15 If the cuddly Lord Spencer , for whom the nation held its breath as he walked down the aisle of St Paul 's Cathedral to give away his daughter Diana , will be sorely missed , it is far from clear whether the departure of his widow from Althorp will be seen as a loss .
16 The speaker was a tall , long-legged blonde , her wide-set brown eyes focused solely on Dane as he sped down the slope .
17 ‘ Thought I raised a wench with a bit o' sense , ’ sniffed the old man as he trundled down the garden path with his wheelbarrow full of tools .
18 He released her hands , and pinned her instead with one hard leg as he drew down the straps of her swimsuit , uncovering her full high breasts to his view .
19 listen to your language helper as he reads down the whole of list A
20 Or was it the heavy rain slapping against the windows , the wind 's eerie message as it whistled down the chimney and flickered at the flames that had begun to lick about the new-laid logs ?
21 An unspoken sympathy bound them in comfortable silence as they padded down the garden .
22 After being stranded on 99 for 25 minutes , he finally lost both patience and nerve and became the fourth player in the match to be dismissed in sight of a century as he charged down the pitch .
23 A tiny patch of blue punctured the dark blanket of sky , and the sun peeped out from a corner of the horizon as they headed down the beach , not stopping until they reached a small rocky promontory shaded by bushy casuarinas .
24 A shot of a police station was used to accompany a voice-over commentary that " some CID men take bribes " ; for two and a half seconds , the officer could be identified in the film as he walked down the station steps .
25 A SCHOOLBOY was robbed of his mountain bike as he pedalled down the hard shoulder of a motorway to get help after his dad 's car broke down .
26 As a result , the Marines experienced no resistance as they jogged down the hurriedly lashed gangplanks , and spread out across the docks .
27 If the organ music swells this Christmas as we run down the lanes of childhood in search of sentiment or the values of yesterday , and if the early darkness on Christmas evening finds us replete and empty at the same time , maybe its because we have left the Josephs of this world alone in their silent day and all too silent night .
28 She recalled , with a lump in her throat , the slow tears gathering , glistening in the light of the lantern as they slid down the furrows in his cheeks .
29 His voice was the merest whisper as he stared down the landing towards a particular door , his mind imagining the two people behind it ; two people he resented beyond words .
30 This manifested itself quite dramatically on a few occasions when , the holding screws having sheared , the rail curled up behind the tank as it moved down the slope .
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