Example sentences of "[noun sg] she [was/were] [adj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 By dint of careful and meticulous research she was able to provide the defence with evidence that every significant statement published in the Sunday Telegraph had been published somewhere already in a newspaper , a magazine or a book .
2 It worked and for the next half hour she was able to quiz the woman whom she saw as having stolen her happiness on every aspect of her life .
3 Lee , who took £11,486 from friends and customers and paid only £6,774 into an account over a 48week period , surrendered herself to police on the day she was due to pay the money out .
4 One woman told me that it was the day she was able to swim the width of the local pool after years of being afraid .
5 ‘ I merely ask because last night she was unable to hold the torch steady .
6 From the air she was able to see the whole length of the valley and she could only guess at its size .
7 For some silly reason she was curious to know the truth .
8 Because , while she could just about put up with the attitude of Lady Wyndham towards herself , there was no way she was prepared to let the beastly old woman be unkind to the children .
9 This time she was able to trap the playful retort before it made it from her mind to her mouth , managing to content herself with an indifferent lift of the shoulders .
10 In my judgment she was entitled to consider the welfare interests of the children after the court had found that there had been acquiescence on the part of the father within the meaning of article 13 ( a ) .
11 She smiled at him , and the others , and as the waiter appeared at her side with her coffee she was amused to see the speed at which twenty men were on their feet offering her a chair .
12 Pain had her in its grip again , but with the help of the black bottles of medicine she was able to conceal the worst of her suffering from her family .
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