Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [art] [adv] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Steve agreed , and was rewarded with a versatile and creative player who was a useful asset to the club at a rather difficult time .
2 Forty consultants ( 20 physicians , 20 surgeons ) were asked to participate in an hour long interview at a mutually convenient time during June 1992 .
3 Recently , the TIMI 2B study compared an invasive with a conservative strategy following thrombolytic therapy after acute myocardial infarction.5 All the patients received t-PA thrombolysis at a relatively early time of 2.6 ±0.2 hours ( Table 4a and 4b ) .
4 But if access to the ordinary commercial activity of a shopping precinct were to be blocked for a considerable period at a particularly busy time of day , so that people were prevented from conducting their ordinary business and social affairs , there is a disruption of sufficient significance to warrant the imposition of conditions .
5 Accordingly , I would be grateful if you could telephone me at your convenience in order to arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time .
6 The use of visual aids and demonstrations can be planned into the presentation at the most appropriate time to reinforce the benefit the salesperson is communicating .
7 The code was written by the Council but its publication has been sponsored additionally by the SCU , Scottish Natural Heritage , and the Scottish Sports Council , who organised the launch at the rather odd time of 11 am on a weekday morning .
8 He was always on the watch for an affront , which he would often imagine even when it had not been intended , an easy thing for a Frenchman at a politically sensitive time .
9 But even the milkman 's timing ca n't compare with those supremos who have perfected the art of appearing at the door at the most irritating time possible — the Jehovah Witnesses .
10 He may have been conducting a formal press conference in very informal dress at a most abnormal time .
11 So the 1980s has seen a betrayal of primary health care at the very same time as more and more lip-service has been paid to the idea .
12 As it fell out he was one of the few successes at Selhurst Park at a particularly difficult time for the Palace club .
13 Prospect Theatre Company at a very exciting time .
14 Alternatively , she might have published that material at a more propitious time .
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