Example sentences of "[noun sg] that the [noun] had the " in BNC.

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1 Similar difficulties can occur if the former matrimonial home was in the names of husband and wife as beneficial joint tenants , for on the death of either it would appear to a purchaser that the survivor had the right to sell ( Law of Property ( Joint Tenants ) Act 1964 , s1(1) ) .
2 If I had been of the view , which I am not , that it was open to the rule making authority , whether by accident or design , in any way to remove powers which the Act has given to the court , I should still have been of opinion that the judge had the powers which he clearly wished to have .
3 From this grew the notion that the pope had the power not simply to explain and interpret the law , but to make it , whether by word of mouth in councils or by letter .
4 If it can be shown to the satisfaction of the jury that the defendant had the intention , he has very little opportunity to exculpate himself on the grounds that he lacked mens rea , as will be explained further presently .
5 [ I ] t seems to me much more likely that Lord Hardwicke LC adopted [ the construction argued for by Mackenzie ] than that he laid down some new constitutional principle that the court had the power to give relief against the provision of a statute .
6 His allowing the customer to have possession of the car did not amount to a representation that the customer had the right to sell it .
7 At an awards ceremony at the Polytechnic of the South Bank in 1974 he castigated those people ‘ who would like to make polytechnics exactly like universities ’ , and who ignored the fact that the polytechnics had the distinctive feature of not only pursuing knowledge for its own sake , but also treating the acquisition of knowledge as ‘ never far removed from its application ’ — and constructing courses of study accordingly .
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