Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [vb -s] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 They provide a breadth of experience and a presence that gives a service to pupils throughout the school .
2 erm it seems to me that the marriage that has an interest to your occupation , let's say , in the man 's hands
3 Others believe hesitancy indicates errors in language processing , while yet others claim it is a stylistic device that conveys a message to the hearer that the speaker is uncertain , or perhaps reluctant to offend .
4 Now discussion is limited normally to one and a half hours and even that possibility disappears if the Commons has other urgent business that requires a sitting to be extended beyond the normal closure at 10 p.m .
5 Most of the Lourdes visitors journey in faith and it is the whole process that becomes a blessing to them .
6 Try Mary Love 's delicious ‘ You Turned My Bitter Into Sweet ’ , Lowell Fulsom 's ridiculous ‘ My Aching Back ’ ( poor Lowell is as good a lover as any younger man , he moans in pain ) and the Brilliant Corners ' ‘ Three Lonely Guys ’ , a record that owes a fiver to Sam Cooke 's ‘ Another Saturday Night ’ .
7 Between stops we can try and find out why their debut LP , ‘ Eva Luna ’ , is such a welcome anachronism that gives a shock to the nerve-centres of the techno ‘ n ’ grunge consensus , why rhythm is omnipotent once again and why they 've finally broken the apathetic silence by taking us all to task with some bold statements on matters of importance , instead of indistinct paeans to various objects of desire .
8 Indeed both types can be generated from a program that provides an introduction to or an investigation of a topic .
9 Brancazio suggests that sensors in the inner ear may be providing the information that sends a fielder to the right spot , not doing it well to begin with , but improving with experience .
10 Partial meanings become more clearly comprehended and relationships are articulated in a way that allows a work to be ‘ unpacked discursively ’ ( ibid ) .
11 Both solos are played in a mild , ‘ find yer head ’ style and tone that owes a lot to '60s rhythm and blues .
12 The other plant that makes a visit to Bristol unforgettable is the wild fig ( Ficus carica ) .
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