Example sentences of "[noun sg] it can be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Second it can be argued that the relationship between community care plans and local authorities ' practice is not straightforward , but remains to be evaluated .
2 By considering the equilibrium of a unit cube it can be seen that the moments of the stresses must sum to zero and this implies the symmetry of the stress tensor .
3 If we look at industrial work it can be seen that it tends to be too much dominated by part tasks in that the worker is not involved with the delivery of the whole product but with a small component of it and even , at times , with a particular operation on that small component .
4 This is an important consideration , but for the moment it can be noted that the activities of the drink sellers took place within existing recreational forms .
5 By placing such emphasis on social reaction it can be argued that Interactionists have minimised the role of the individual criminal .
6 With the benefit of hindsight it can be seen that the 1980 breakthrough for the Republicans did not herald a realignment .
7 ( " on inspection with a microscope it can be seen that each nucleus consists of two identical filaments " )
8 Although the maths is beyond the scope of this article it can be shown that the output stage would need to consume twice as much power as delivered to the load .
9 But by an extension of remedies and a flexible procedure it can be said that something resembling a system of public law is being developed .
10 Using this evidence it can be shown that , in these regions , large quantities of certain products travelled considerable distances , and with some materials it is more than possible to detect the growth of a sizeable mass market , despite the model of the Roman economy sketched above .
11 In answer to this second argument it can be said that the education available to Desiderius of Cahors in the following century is not likely to have been any better , and yet he did write in the manner of earlier letter-writers .
12 From this graph it can be seen that recall values are generally higher towards the beginning and end of the word list when recall is immediate and that the latter recency effect is absent when recall is delayed …
13 From this graph it can be seen that , generally , as the level of processing increases reaction time increases .
14 In this respect it can be said that the methods of interpretation developed by the European Court match the particular characteristics of Community legal texts .
15 In his pro-natalist policy it can be seen that Hitler was continuing trends that began around 1918 when Germany had the lowest birth rate in Europe .
16 On Professor Stubbs 's behalf it can be said that the Report reflects a total view of society , of co-operation and tolerance between cultural and social groups , and that to achieve this aim all teachers and pupils need to understand clearly why contempt for other people 's dialects is wrong .
17 Alternatively if the student was in rented accommodation on a 12 month lease it can be assumed that the student is not temporarily away from home .
18 On the basis of this schema it can be argued that the high-water mark of class/party correlation in the 1960s , registered above , was not so much related to the current policies of the political parties , as to the ‘ delayed ’ effect of the social conditions of the interwar depression years and the substantial shifts within popular ideology and political alignment during and immediately after the second world war .
19 In one sense it can be argued that generalizations are of little use .
20 The chances are equal either way but as a matter of calculation it can be shown that the impact of the chance of shorter life is of greater significance than that of longer life , end quote .
21 If the probe moves along a radius with , then For simplicity it can be imagined that the probe would have been be at rest if it had started at an infinite distance from the hole ; then the kinetic energy parameter T vanishes and the equation reduces further to where , as usual , .
22 In their favour it can be stated that the consultation process which followed the publication of Paying for Local Government showed twice as many people wanting to abolish the rates as wishing to keep them .
23 The licence may be for a fixed , perhaps renewable , period of time or there may be no mention of duration , in which case it can be assumed that the licence will last as long as the software is subject to copyright protection .
24 But in at least one case it can be shown that Richard was retaining in the area in the 1470s .
25 It is assumed that the Earth is hot enough for its outer regions to have previously been vaporized , in which case it can be shown that the material flung off forms a thin disc of gas as in Figure 6.11 ( b ) .
26 But in at least one case it can be shown that Richard was retaining in the area in the 1470s .
27 From the above brief outline of work attempting to get to grips with the character of aesthetic response it can be seen that it is both complex and ‘ multi-layered ’ , a term used by Greger ( 1972 ) to describe how multiple meanings come to attain a feeling of significance by being grasped at the threshold of consciousness .
28 From the above description it can be seen that the endothelial cell has many important properties and endothelial damage is proposed as the initial event in the ‘ response to injury ’ hypothesis .
29 Of course it can be argued that since he adopted the Liberal cause in the 1920s , he was practically at one with Liberalism , and that is all that matters .
30 On the other hand it can be argued that the sauropods like Brachiosaurus were so large , and with a relatively small surface area through which to cool compared with their enormous volume , that their cooling rate could have been slow enough to allow them to sustain more continuous activity than smaller , living reptiles .
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