Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [modal v] [adv] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Having selected a remedy it must now be given , but first I would like to put in a little reassurance .
2 At a congress in Stockholm in late May 1990 , delegates from the Left Party — Communists ( Vänsterpartiet — Kommunisterne — VPK ) voted by a large majority to drop " communist " from the party name , so that in future it would simply be known as Vänsterpartiet .
3 Due to its sheer weight it can only be used at the Centre by special permission of the Department of Transport .
4 All the rest depend on this being present , for if a procedure is not appropriate to a particular patient 's condition it can not be judged quality care ( Shaw undated ) .
5 Once we play the card of the threat of recognition it can not be used again .
6 Charles 's appointments were of better men , but he used Laud , Williams , Juxon and others as his highest secular officials ; in that capacity it could hardly be expected that they would not be the subject of the same Parliamentary criticism as were laymen .
7 As seen , Lord Greene M.R. in the Wednesbury case conceived of unreasonableness in its substantive sense , as a long stop and a fairly extreme one at that : if an exercise of discretion successfully negotiated the hurdles of improper purpose and relevancy it could still be invalidated on the altar of substantive unreasonableness if it was so unreasonable that no reasonable body could reach such a decision .
8 In company law it can equally be argued that by casting trustee-like duties on directors so that they are required to act only in the interests of the shareholders the law aims to ensure that the will of the shareholders is implemented .
9 Some legal experts held that , even if the death sentence were reintroduced , under Peruvian law it could not be passed retroactively on Guzmán .
10 If the publication of such matter has not incurred penalties under the law it should not be excluded from libraries on any moral , political , religious or racial ground alone , to satisfy any sectional interest .
11 It was a bit of a Catch 22 situation because without signing the car could not be tested and without a test it could not be driven on the road . ’
12 To get a true feeling for the plan it should also be applied to the Principal because although you have been paying a fixed amount in each month the value of this has also decreased due to inflation .
13 Owing to its high alkaline requirement it should only be grown with those plants with the same preference .
14 ‘ It 's some consolation that it has been found but it 's a shame it could n't be retrieved in time for Remembrance Sunday .
15 For a senior job it should not be regarded as a burden to see 12 people and then draw up a short list of three or four .
16 The counterpart is that by its nature it can not be shared with those who by disposition or location are incapable of being represented in the Parliament of the United Kingdom .
17 In an adult population it can not be excluded on the grounds of age alone .
18 It is possible that time-gap experiences represent driving at the tactical level which is conducted without controlled processes being involved , the assumption here is the common one that unless a stimulus event receives conscious attention it will not be stored in long term memory ( e.g. Bargh , 1984 ; Broadbent , 1958 ; Moray , 1959 ; Shiffrin & Schneider , 1977 ) .
19 ‘ While I respectfully agree that recommendations of a committee may not help much when there is a possibility that Parliament may have decided to do something different , where there is no such possibility , as where the draft Bill has been enacted without alteration , in my opinion it can safely be assumed that it was Parliament 's intention to do what the committee recommended and to achieve the object the committee had in mind .
20 The Examination Council came into being some erm nine months ago and has already been involved in quite a lot of activity , I mean particularly the erm problem of sixteen-plus examining , whether we should move from a system of erm O-levels and C S E , or to a combined system , Sixteen-plus Examination it would probably be called .
21 But on closer examination it can usually be found that they have used very selected samples that are not representative of sexual offenders as a whole .
22 If all the requirements for amplifiers could be examined by one design/development group it would probably be found that , by judicious specifying , two or three separate amplifiers only are required .
23 For the record it should also be noted that the Labour Court was advised that our claim , on behalf of Bank Assistants , was lodged before the P.E.S.P. was agreed as a National pay arrangement .
24 But if it is due to a small proportion of an impurity it can usually be dealt with by careful purification or by exposing the sample to the laser beam for some time ( a process called photo-bleaching ) .
25 If there is no such charge it will normally be described as a ‘ bond ’ or a ‘ loan note ’ but , as the ‘ definitions ’ in the Companies Act and the Financial Services Act at least make clear , it will in law be a ‘ debenture . ’
26 Once an enforcement notice has been entered against a property as a local land charge it will not be removed .
27 It was the eternal noise at that bend in the river , but on a normal day it could n't be heard here .
28 I 'm actually , I 'm quite high on as theorist as well and I like to write everything out in full and I clear structures and if I go to training sessions and they 're all over the place , it 's such a in about five minutes and I have to say hang on a minute it might not be structured in the way that you like it but you can actually learn from it .
29 In such a restricted case , where there is a master-servant relationship it can usually be said that the master or employer ‘ uses ’ as well as the driver , being the servant or employee .
30 If you look at a bar code it will normally be accompanied by a long number ( usually eight or thirteen digits long ) .
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