Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [modal v] [be] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Until the advent of man in physical geography it could be argued that physical geographers had escaped from the effects of human activity by concentrating their endeavours upon rural and unmodified spatial areas and upon time scales prior to the time when human activity began to exercise a significant influence .
2 As a result it could be argued that , in a context of relatively low unionization , the imposition of minimum service levels provides the unions with a guaranteed degree of success with strike action .
3 From the roof it could be seen that the sepoys had remained in their positions and were building themselves shelters .
4 In the future it would be seen that they were right .
5 Historically local government in England and Wales is a fascinating subject and from its study it will be found that local government whilst not quite as we know it today , existed for centuries before the first parliament was ever convened .
6 However , whilst it is easy to criticize teachers for failing to embark on a thorough and methodical appraisal of their practice it should be remembered that the LEA scheme was introduced to them initially very much in terms of accountability rather than professional development , and for this reason some caution over what to reveal in the self-appraisal document is understandable .
7 As a general rule it may be said that the more serious the breach , the clearer the words needed to exclude liability for it , and that where the court is faced with a choice of two or more interpretations of a clause , it will favour the one which produces the most reasonable result .
8 At first glance it might be assumed that this would always be the case .
9 But in the long term it could be predicted that Vietnam also would lose interest in a South Asian neutralisation since it was an ascending regional power .
10 On the debit side it must be said that Ventura is not really suited for use on documents where the styles and formats change from page to page ; newsletters and magazines , for example .
11 On the negative side it should be recalled that many Belorussian nationalists were more pro-Western than specifically Belorussian in their emphasis , while many others became so identified with the Bolshevik Party that they shed earlier inclinations .
12 For those considering a career as either a food and beverage manager or a chef it must be remembered that at Carnival Cruise Lines we are involved in mass catering .
13 Second it can be argued that the relationship between community care plans and local authorities ' practice is not straightforward , but remains to be evaluated .
14 Practical help and emotional support of the bereaved are of course interwoven , but from the purely emotional standpoint it could be said that their greatest needs are for loving concern , good listening and patient understanding of their need to work through their grief in their own way at their own pace .
15 As a point of reference it will be assumed that for a supernova collapse the gravitational waves carry off a total energy of in a burst of milliseconds length and at a frequency of about I kHz .
16 By considering the equilibrium of a unit cube it can be seen that the moments of the stresses must sum to zero and this implies the symmetry of the stress tensor .
17 If we look at industrial work it can be seen that it tends to be too much dominated by part tasks in that the worker is not involved with the delivery of the whole product but with a small component of it and even , at times , with a particular operation on that small component .
18 As a result of this work it could be declared that ‘ All the drugs now used against malaria were found by using experimental laboratory infections : the design of the tests employed to find them , or to uncover their particular attributes and imperfections , was based on knowledge of the life cycle ’ .
19 On a first consideration one would not think that there would be appreciable stresses parallel to the crack surface but on reflection it will be seen that this must always be so .
20 To answer this question it must be noted that in sociology ( and elsewhere ) a feminist perspective appears to be polemical because it runs counter to the accepted male-oriented viewpoint — a viewpoint which is rarely explicitly articulated .
21 On this basis it could be argued that companies should indeed be regarded as purely private organisations , and that state intervention in their internal affairs constitutes an improper interference with the moral rights of the participants .
22 I shall return to these reservations in a later chapter , but for the moment it should be noted that well-qualified observers such as Martin Anderson and Donald Regan take a different view .
23 The reasons for this change will need to be examined later , in Chapter 6 , but for the moment it should be noted that a change in the instinct theory underpinning this later analysis had been made .
24 This is an important consideration , but for the moment it can be noted that the activities of the drink sellers took place within existing recreational forms .
25 By placing such emphasis on social reaction it can be argued that Interactionists have minimised the role of the individual criminal .
26 With the benefit of hindsight it can be seen that the 1980 breakthrough for the Republicans did not herald a realignment .
27 With the increased number of market-makers after Big Bang it would be expected that spreads and commissions would fall ,
28 ( " on inspection with a microscope it can be seen that each nucleus consists of two identical filaments " )
29 Other freeholders , however , were less career-motivated , and often showed considerable loyalty to a particular political interest over an extended period of time , and as a generalisation it might be suggested that they were less likely to jump from one interest to another than were the lawyers with judicial preferment in mind .
30 At this juncture it should be noted that a considerable proportion of international lending does take this latter form .
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