Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [vb pp] [pron] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 My agent had borrowed it for me from a cousin who had gone to New York for six months .
2 Some man at the college had arranged it for her … she more or less admitted she 'd worked on him . ’
3 But he has not taken the word of a wiser man on trust , his private test has confirmed it for him .
4 My winning has done something for them as well as me .
5 Joe Harris , chairman Darlington Licensed Victualler 's Association : ‘ The Chancellor has done nothing for us with this Budget , times are hard enough for publicans .
6 Carolyn commented on them , and for once incurred Bryony 's pleased attention , as she explained how a friend had made them for her to an ancient design , and that unlike any shoes you could buy , they were made to last a lifetime , were completely healthy and natural , and did not threaten to deform the foot or posture in any way .
7 France and civilian life has done nothing for him , and so he is off to Algeria to get tanned and fight .
8 He certainly owed money but none of his creditors needed to obtain a writ to have him confined when the Government had arrested him for them .
9 My sleep had done something for me .
10 Mum had found them for me in the house at Lochgair .
11 As the Secretary of State was never coy about telling us that he opposed the directive , will he tell us — as there is a meeting on Wednesday , I assume that he has made up his mind about whether he will agree to that part of the social charter — whether he has changed his mind or whether the Prime Minister has changed it for him ?
12 Nurse has got something for you .
13 They 're proud of their DIY achievements , which they often find better — and a lot more satisfying — than if a professional had done it for them .
14 It were real they were really good blankets my mother had bought them for us for er er wedding present
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