Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [adv] been [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Applebey concluded that , whilst useful to lawyers , the pre-trial review in the county court civil action has not been of enormous assistance to the ordinary person trying to conduct his or her own case .
2 Loneliness and fear and grief had never been like this .
3 The OEO Agent had obviously been in continuous pain by the end of their long , slow hike , and Bernice was able to boost the feed of chemicals provided by Defries 's combat suit .
4 The Chairman of Orkney Island Council Social Work Committee , Councillor Mairhi Trickett denied that any members of her department had ever been to any courses or seminars on the subject of ritual or satanic abuse .
5 All mechanical parts seem in very good order and the vehicle has not been in any accidents .
6 Subsequent Acts have tended to produce more detailed requirements , but the main thrust has always been for nationalized industries ' accounts to produce , as a minimum , the amount and kind of information that a PLC has to produce .
7 The quality of his work has always been of exceptional high standard and featured in every major project in the company .
8 In Nepal , dolphin habitat has traditionally been in deep clear water with swift currents , but hydro-electric development is occurring in many of the susu 's favourite remaining areas .
9 Dancing had never been like this .
10 It 's absolutely clear that the public body should be doing work for private sector organisations , and er , to my knowledge , Lincolnshire County Council have not been to that particular erm , definition , although other authorities do and I have had to stop other authorities undertaking contracts where they are er private sector organisations .
11 No off-worlder has ever been inside any of them , but we are told that there are caverns , vaults within vaults , like those ancient puzzles where ever opened box reveals another , smaller box .
12 Instead we will discuss together all design variations in each particular field ; within a field it should not be assumed that the more complex facilities are the later ones , since evolution has often been towards simplifying systems from the programmer 's viewpoint .
13 Football specials still arrive at Wadsley Bridge although the station had not been in normal use since 1959 .
14 But the party conflict had always been about more than the succession .
15 Sadism had always been of theoretical interest to Freud , and he suggests in Beyond the Pleasure Principle that it derives its energy from the death instincts .
16 He told Mrs Edwards her son had given his life in the service of humanity and his sacrifice had not been in vain .
17 The pattern has usually been for such people to establish themselves as privileged representatives of a ‘ god ’ who has the power to punish or destroy those who do not conform to the rules which they , the privileged , have themselves formulated , but have attributed to the ‘ god ’ .
18 For the majority of building , wood was the chief material and little has survived , though rebuilding has often been in similar traditional style .
19 The impact has not been in one direction only : the political culture has served to shape political perceptions and actions , and hence to influence the nation 's political history .
20 The first defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the deputy judge had been wrong in law in holding that for the substituted section 9 ( b ) of the Wills Act 1837 to be satisfied the testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions ; and ( 2 ) there was no sufficient evidence upon which the deputy judge could have found that the testator had not been of testamentary capacity at the time he had made and signed the alleged codicil on 18 April 1986 .
21 ‘ When I tell you why I have asked you to come here , I think you may feel your journey has not been in vain , ’ he said , and his shoulders heaved , rising and falling with silent mirth .
22 In a community like this the printed word has always been of more importance than to most of those whose access to books was very much easier .
23 Wilf Medlam 's labour of love has not been in vain .
24 Lane had been assisted by a woman police officer , Detective -Sergeant Phyllis Henley , a thickset girl , whom he had called in because she was an old friend or enemy of Roxie whose own life had not been without criminal excitements .
25 Of course quality of care has always been of professional concern in the NHS , but it was firmly placed on managerial agendas by the Griffiths management reforms in 1983 and given a substantial boost by WFP .
26 His slumber had not been at all restful .
27 The implication was that the slaughter had all been in vain .
28 As everyone knows , the insurance industry 's recent experience of its very own crisis scenario has led to , if a particular line of cover has not been among those withdrawn because of poor claims records , dramatic increases in premiums .
29 I also think he had been slightly influenced by Father D'Arcy , with whom lie had apparently been in recent touch .
30 Much of the activity on the Tyne Tunnel Estate has always been in small warehousing and distribution depots but the two large manufacturing employers are Cape Insulation and Twinings Teas ( a subsidiary of Associated British Foods ) .
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