Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [verb] into [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The search for a new chief executive for IBM Corp has moved into top gear and could be complete by the end of next month , the Wall Street Journal reports .
2 AN EPIC battle over a five-a-side complex has gone into extra time after protestors lodged 1,000 letters of objection .
3 Two months later spring had opened into full-blown summer .
4 Their architecture has faded into unremarkable modernism , devoted to speed , rush , and disciplined circulation .
5 Add to that the fact that the Paris-based company that supplied the cargo has vanished into thin air , and it starts to look very suspicious . ’
6 It is first heard of at the coronation of Pope Nicholas II in 1059 , when it appears that because the mitre had passed into general use by bishops ( and even by princes ) the pope 's own headgear had to undergo change to become distinctive and exclusive to the pope .
7 ‘ I fear that the investigation has descended into total chaos , ’ he said .
8 That steep yield curve has turned into political temptation .
9 Worries centre on what appears to be an acceptance by IBM that its mainframe business has slipped into irretrievable decline , and as that perception becomes widespread among users the decline can only accelerate as those that had planned to grow their mainframe installations pause and reconsider the options .
10 According to an Army communiqué Salvadorean " subversives " ( i.e. guerrillas of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front — Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional — FMLN ) had on May 27 , 1989 , entered a small Honduran town in the border area but had been forced back to El Salvador by a patrol ; Salvadorean aircraft and a helicopter gunship had fired into Honduran territory in pursuit of the rebels ; and a Salvadorean aircraft had flown over Honduran territory on May 29 .
11 At that point Posi chimed in to say that another vessel had come into visual range just beyond the Valve .
12 The snubs and indignities that he received from that quarter have passed into Gaullist lore : when he so much as enquired about the progress of the assembly 's constitutional commission , one of his own former ministers told him it was none of his business .
13 One phrase has passed into general circulation : it was Diderot who spoke of ‘ strangling the last king with the guts of the last priest ’ , but , if the phrase is remembered , its author is probably forgotten .
14 ‘ The phrase has passed into popular usage , ’ said an OED spokesman .
15 One member asked for details of how my father had gone into voluntary liquidation .
16 Walbrook Insurance has passed into provisional liquidation .
17 Looking back at regular intervals to see if the stranger was following , eventually they reached the access to the street but the guide was astonished to find the man had vanished into thin air .
18 They were all watching in fascination , hardly noticing , hardly understanding , that the abrupt wind from the south door had fallen into total stillness , and still , leaf by leaf now and slowly and deliberately , the leaves kept turning .
19 His deep , warm western voice had risen into plangent eloquence , indignant and rapt .
20 It can be argued that the ordinary use of the word ‘ prejudice ’ indicates that the traditions of liberalism have passed into everyday discourse .
21 Many a swimming pool fund has run into choppy water and adventure playground appeals turned into assault courses !
22 The old spelling is to continue to be ‘ tolerated ’ until the new version has come into general use .
23 The surface temperature was 19°C and the cloud had lifted into broken stratocumulus , base 1800 feet tops 3000 feet , with more scattered stratocumulus between 5000 and 6000 feet .
24 Later she heard that her virulent hypochondria had turned into real illness .
25 His prose-poetry had tumbled into full prose , and he was now engaged on his first novel , under the title of Beauty At Close Quarters .
26 Available money had gone into large road improvement schemes which had rather overwhelmed the rest of the programme .
27 This student loans scheme has degenerated into open shambles .
28 This student loans scheme has degenerated into open shambles .
29 The March formula one motor racing company has gone into voluntary liquidation .
30 The Press has introduced into common speech such expressions as ‘ pulling the plug ’ or ‘ switching off the machine ’ .
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