Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [verb] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone whose car has broken down in the middle of nowhere will appreciate the value of belonging to a motoring organisation that 'll come to the rescue at any time of the day or night .
2 Violent rioting has broken out in the camps many times in recent weeks .
3 An enormous amount of research has gone on in the last few decades into how and when settlements originated and how they have changed over time .
4 Leaflets calling for this protest action had gone out in the name of the underground organization Mwakenya , and were echoed in a BBC World Service broadcast by the exiled writer Ngugi wa Thiongo , but workers were urged by the official Central Organization of Trade Unions to ignore the " seditious leaflets " , and commentators noted an understandable reluctance to identify openly with Mwakenya by supporting its strike call .
5 Their friendship had straggled on in a passive sort of way ; he 'd been to see her in Brighton and played the romantic flirt , talking of Brief Encounter in the pub and putting his hand on her knee .
6 The majority of the law lords seemed to regard the interests of the state as coterminous with the interests of the government of the day ; executive-minded comments to that effect have lingered on in the textbooks ever since , an unwanted legal legacy from this period of popular protest .
7 But the old pub had burnt down in the 1960s and been replaced by a more profitable and thrusting enterprise .
8 What had started out as a dramatic sea chase and developed into a running battle had fizzled out in a disappointing anti-climax .
9 52 and National Pari-Mutuel Association Ltd. v. The King , 47 T.L.R. 110 ) , the law had settled down in the form which I have indicated .
10 While skirmishing has started in the Senate , which will not consider the economic plan for a few weeks , something like open warfare has broken out in the House .
11 Their calibre , though , is impossible to deny : listen to the last half of Divine Madness and you 'll hear the most consistently pugnacious and provocative music British pop has turned up in the last 15 years .
12 This is the second new recording of Kismet to have come along in the last couple of years .
13 But the Grand Emissary had swung up in the very newest model of the Novablast Personaluxury Liner , making me feel like a meteorite next to an asteroid .
14 Meanwhile there were also reports on March 12 that unrest had broken out in the Shia districts of Baghdad ( Saddam City and Shuala ) and that curfews had been imposed .
15 Some months earlier , while Richard was still in the foothills of the Pyrenees , a crisis had blown up in the rich , flat pasture land of western Berry , the most north-easterly part of Aquitaine .
16 It was making her heartbeat erratic , and her whole body had broken out in a fine dew of perspiration .
17 The Tokyo stock exchange fell to its lowest level in 3½ years on Sept. 28 on unfounded rumours that war had broken out in the Gulf .
18 The right hon. Gentleman has pointed out in the House that nearly 50 per cent .
19 His ambulance service has taken off in a big way .
20 A branch of the great plane tree had come down in the wind and as he ran back towards the Cages he saw that it had fallen right across the path where moments before he had been standing .
21 And still that mystery in the front room continued , reflected Shirley on New Year 's Eve 1979 , as she examined the handsome features of the dangerous Queen of Spades , and wondered if the King had come out in the deal .
22 Inflation had slowed down in the United Kingdom to 5 per cent per year which produced a greater sense of economic security in terms of planning expenditures ahead .
23 By now , the case of Sumner v. Virgin had dragged on in the law courts for eleven days , with the two parties holding each other up in the centre of the ring like panting heavyweights , while the legal fees gushed forth like blood from the wounds .
24 The previous year to my visit a sizeable chunk had cracked off in a storm .
25 The day had streaked by in a blur of concentration and counting .
26 Either he left when he discovered the pregnancy , or he had already gone , or the relationship had broken up in the first year or two after having the baby , when he had been unwilling or unable to settle down and take the responsibility .
27 The relentless pace of internationalisation in the economy has speeded up in the 1980s .
28 Although Stockholm was the base for spies of every warring nation , the Scandinavian connection that Foley had talked about was run by Norway , whose government-in-exile had set up in the neutral city .
29 My husband gave me the news that my father had died back in the village .
30 I can inform the Secretary of State straight away that there is a much more immediate cause seriously impairing ’ the ability of the Agency to deliver a proper service ’ and that is the swingeing cuts in staff numbers of up to one third in each local office that the Secretary of State has carried through in the past two years under the operational strategy .
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