Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sprint Corp has decided to standardise on Microsoft Corp operating systems , applications and technical support for all Sprint Corp units : the ‘ long-term , multimillion dollar ’ agreement involves software for all Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS operating systems as well as the Macintosh systems at Sprint .
2 Storage Technology Corp has had to turn to Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd for helical scan subassemblies for planned new tape drives .
3 The sufferer has to learn to live in reality , blaming self rather than others for his or her own problems and recognising that unconditional love could only be received when it is equally freely given .
4 Even as recession seems at last to be easing , the strains that recession has helped to create between booksellers and publishers were brought quickly to the fore at the Booksellers Association annual conference in Torquay this week .
5 The Washington Post of July 17 described this overwhelming endorsement as " an indication of how far the official Communist majority has had to move in order to keep pace with the pressure from Rukh [ the main nationalist opposition group ] " .
6 In the light of the various responses , the Board has decided to concentrate on specialist franchising .
7 For some years now , conveyancers have " exchanged contracts " by telephone ( as in Record v Bell above ) , and the law of contract has had to come to terms with electronic mail in the form of faxes .
8 This ruling caste has come to rely on Italy 's huge public sector as a patronage machine for rewarding friends and supporters , a system that not only leads to corruption but also acts as a break on much needed free market reforms .
9 The history of the evolution of this project , provides a fascinating insight in the way in which Highlander has chosen to work in communities , and seeks to enable them to develop their own solutions to the situations which they themselves perceive as problem issues .
10 In the past , the exciting forward has opted to play for Sweden and lost out on his club place afterwards .
11 But crime has continued to rise in Britain .
12 In Tayside 's first interim report , he says : ‘ Crime has continued to rise in Tayside , and crimes of violence against the person , indecency , dishonesty , fire raising and drugs offences show an increase of 7,376 or 17.2 per cent over the 1990 figures . ’
13 The freeze on spirits duty acknowledges , if it does not yet rectify , the wholly unjust domestic tax regime against which the Scotch whisky industry has had to struggle for years .
14 In the United States , the porn industry has started to come to terms with its new responsibilities .
15 The voluntary code , which the industry has agreed to introduce by mid-March , would also extend the existing areas to be avoided around Shetland and impose a new area on the east coast and in the approaches to Lerwick .
16 Corstorphine has chosen to test in Mathematics only .
17 The central point of the book is a reflection of a non-technical ‘ wider ecumenism ’ , ‘ a juxtapositioning of mental shapes or ideas through which the poet had learned to look at life , his own and that reflected by others . ’
18 Equity had come to stay as part of the law of the land .
19 Shortly before his birth , a porcelain industry had begun to develop in France .
20 The first question in each of the opening interviews was why the practice had decided to apply for fundholding status .
21 According to Safa , ‘ the ideology that equates female confinement within the home to higher class status has begun to influence working-class women at the same time that its influence has begun to wane among women of the elite ’ .
22 As in the past we would like to share the profit with another charity and a member of the Executive Committee has offered to act as Promoter for us if we could donate enough to provide 10 holidays for handicapped and needy children where she works ( £600 ) .
23 Here the Committee has preferred to rely on speculation about hypothetical problems rather than on the unchallenged evidence that employed solicitors have conducted cases for years in the lower courts without complaint .
24 And I think that a comprehensive consultation exercise has got to bear in mind that the key question , and that 's affordability .
25 The strange child has chosen to sleep in Edward 's room tonight ; but I am sure she will want to see you and perhaps you can give Miss Fitch a hand . ’
26 MIDDLESBROUGH council has declined to appeal against Government charge capping .
27 Jennifer Batten has agreed to appear at London , demonstrating the amazing flair and technical ability that prompted Michael Jackson to hire Jennifer as his guitarist .
28 ‘ The boss has refused to appear on television 's Football Focus because they are angling it as Dalglish v Keegan and , in reality , it 's all about the 22 players , ’ said Keegan 's assistant Terry McDermott .
29 Algernon Peckham in a display of bravado had chosen to walk to Kingsgate .
30 And then , as though it had been waiting there to be born , a plan had begun to come to life in her mind .
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