Example sentences of "[noun sg] not [to-vb] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Stirling 's decision not to continue writer in residence is ill-advised
2 Jean Monnet announced his decision not to seek re-election as President of the High Authority .
3 Finally , the revenue has contended that the proper procedure was for Woolwich to seek to challenge its decision not to pay interest by way of judicial review , although it would of course contend that no order should be made on such a review in the present case .
4 Only her determination not to betray weakness in front of fitzAlan had enabled her to grit her teeth and step into the seemingly bottomless pit .
5 He was responding at Commons question time after Labour urged the Chancellor not to increase tax on whisky in the Budget on 16 March .
6 This acceptance of medical treatment in its widest sense is subject to the requirement not to accept transfusions of blood or blood derivatives .
7 The Franciscan friars of Reading found it necessary in 1234 to obtain from the king a letter ordering the warden of Windsor Forest not to exact cheminage in respect of the timber given them in the forest for their buildings at Reading .
8 PACE Code D 2.2 — identification parade — officer involved in investigation not to take part in parade — whether bringing suspect to parade ‘ taking part ’
9 They use their criticism not to refine plans for change but to block them .
10 Mr Leigh-Pemberton , however , sounded a stark warning to the Cabinet not to take risks with inflation : ‘ We have to be very clear about the objectives of policy .
11 I asked the College if they could help , but was told by the then-bursar : It is College policy not to help fellows with housing .
12 Pregnant replies , mystic allusions , mistaken identities , arguing his father is his mother , that sort of thing ; intimations of suicide , foregoing of exercise , loss of mirth , hints of claustrophobia not to say delusions of imprisonment ; invocations of camels , chameleons , capons , whales , weasels , hawks , handsaws — riddles , quibbles and evasions ; amnesia , paranoia , myopia ; day-dreaming , hallucinations ; stabbing his elders , abusing his parents , insulting his lover , and appearing hatless in public — knock-kneed , droop-stockinged and sighing like a love-sick schoolboy , which at his age is coming on a bit strong .
13 Indeed , when a police authority has instructed its local constabulary not to purchase stockpiles of baton rounds nor to undertake training in their use , the Home Office has stepped in to circumvent this instruction by allowing police forces to hold such devices on permanent loan .
14 The user can quickly key in the document without having to take great care not to make mistakes in spelling or layout , as is necessary with a typewriter .
15 It is a duty not to cause injury by want of reasonable care .
16 1.3 The employee 's duty not to make preparations in order to compete with his employer after he has left or to enable another to do so The employee can not make preparations during his employment , either during the working day or in his spare time , with a view to competing with his employer once his employment is over if such preparation may have a material effect on his employer 's business .
17 Counsel has helpfully suggested that I could make an order not to remove child from place he was presently living until removed , as well as in respect of the other three children .
18 It was given the authority to send William Mingay to Manfield Orthopaedic Hospital at Northampton for ‘ re-education of the muscles ’ for a period of three months , the cost not to exceed £2 per week .
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