Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [verb] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From anger and animosity he turned in a split second to a benevolent caring brother only here to see justice done .
2 At Becher 's Brook on the second circuit he put in a stupendous leap , pitched on landing but was confidently gathered together by Champion to continue on his triumphant way , pursued by Rubstic and Royal Mail .
3 GAZZA , 25 , faces a lawsuit from a man he punched in a late-night brawl last year .
4 To the men of the Second Army he declared in a vibrant Order of the Day : ‘ You will be those of whom it will be said — ‘ they barred the way to Verdun ! ’ ’
5 He spends the day with the shepherd and helps him milk his ewes , and at the end of the day he sees that the shepherd puts the best milk he has in a wooden bowl , which he places on a flat stone some distance away .
6 There were horse-drawn vehicles , and when the Governor arrived to open the island 's parliament he drove in a stately coach and four .
7 Grandfather 's wage was the magnificent sum of twelve shillings per week and of course he lived in a tied cottage .
8 In the small kitchen he said in a low voice , ‘ Are you OK ? ’
9 In the meantime he engaged in a fierce dispute , both with the Levant Company , which financed the embassy but no longer nominated its occupant , and with the retiring ambassador Sir Peter Wyche [ q.v . ] .
10 Dzerzhinsky wrote that the swifter exchange of goods would help to reduce taxes levied on the peasants and so mollify them and speed up the realization of smychka between town and country ; but towards the end of the year he admitted in a resigned tone : ‘ Can such a huge enterprise like transport really change in a moment , can people really be regenerated at once ?
11 This year he put in a strenuous two hours raising over £65 towards the branch 's record Lifeboat Week total of £4,825 .
12 When he could wring the tight cords of his throat into speech he said in a throttled whisper : ‘ Father , it is my shame .
13 In his spare time he sang in a male voice choir .
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