Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was recruited because a man could not be found to act as porter for the annual salary of £27 .
2 In another entry the master had sent the porter for the medical officer at three o'clock in the morning to attend a single woman in childbirth .
3 Perhaps recognising the risk , Malaysia has used tariffs only as a temporary form of protection for the first-comer investor in certain sectors , like television sets .
4 In all three parts " reasonable " means providing no more than relevant and necessary protection for the legitimate interest of the covenantee .
5 The use of copper as a protection for the underwater parts of ships ' hulls had been suggested in England as early as 1708 and by the 1770s it had been generally adopted throughout the navy .
6 Perhaps some consideration might be additionally given to the current situation regarding the lack of protection for the current situation regarding the lack of protection for the interiors of unlisted buildings within conservation areas … ’
7 On Nov. 6 it was announced that broad agreement had been reached on protection for the German minority in Poland " in accordance with international standards " .
8 The first person in Britain to receive a grant for a scientific study of the UFO phenomenon is a sociologist , Shirley Melver of York University .
9 The University 's strategy of expansion over the past few years has been aimed to take full advantage of the UFC 's new policy of rewarding those universities that have demonstrated their willingness and ability to expand by retrospectively awarding full grant for an increased number of so-called fully funded students .
10 A further cause for concern was Recommendation 6 , with its proposal to base grant for the coming year to each Responsible Body not only on the standards of its own work but also on the needs of the area it served and on the provision made by others .
11 By creating ‘ yardsticks ’ , central government may find the task of monitoring quality of service more manageable ( e.g. , ‘ if more dustbins are emptied per kilometre for a lower cost in Scotland than Gateshead , central government has useful information for appraisal ’ : Helm and Smith 1987 , p. x ) .
12 Although it is not primarily vocational , the course provides a valuable training in analytical techniques and writing skills which makes it a valuable preparation for a wide variety of careers , including the media , central and local government , and industrial and commercial management .
13 The campaign to open membership of the British Association of Social Workers to non-qualified staff is being stepped up in preparation for a renewed debate on the issue at the association 's annual general meeting in Birmingham .
14 ‘ We looked at the tournaments in the context of the whole winter and decided they were not the best preparation for a challenging series against the West Indies . ’
15 It is known that youths grew their hair long in preparation for a ritual offering of a lock of hair to the deity .
16 Autumn 1945 in Cardiff High School was a season of intensive preparation for a small group of us who were to make that attempt .
17 President Francesco Cossiga announced the dissolution of Parliament on Feb. 2 , in preparation for a general election on April 5-6 , approximately two months before it was constitutionally necessary [ for June 1987 general election see pp. 35586-88 ] .
18 The honours degree in Housing Studies provides both a broad-based education in the social sciences and intensive preparation for a professional career in housing .
19 To help provide a sharper focus to current policy debates , and in preparation for a larger study of the effects of teacher education , this project will establish an up-to-date database on the nature of a range of approaches to initial teacher education .
20 Around mid-afternoon , I had a report from Ballymena that the large police station in the town had been ordered to clear its cells of ordinary prisoners in preparation for a large number of arrests .
21 They 're working an intense 8-hour day , 5 days a week in preparation for a national tour in March .
22 By the time ‘ taking stock ’ is occurring in preparation for the annual report to parents , priorities are being considered for next year 's Plan .
23 Of course , not all their games have this aspect of preparation for the serious business of life .
24 He has been thrifty and pored over contracts , although there is no preparation for the mental upset of a group folding .
25 Peasant revolution could achieve the immediate ‘ socialization ’ of the land and abolition of private ownership in preparation for the ultimate transition to socialist production .
26 While accepting that in the cities events would unfold much as Marx had envisaged , with a phase of bourgeois rule culminating in proletarian revolution , they insisted that in the countryside peasant revolution could achieve the immediate ‘ socialization ’ of the land and abolition of private ownership in preparation for the ultimate transition to socialist production .
27 These drawings were originally prepared on the assumption that the Tussaud carriage was built in 1811 in preparation for the Russian campaign of 1812 in which it was reputed ( erroneously ) to have taken part .
28 Where possible the ore , as has been mentioned , was hand dressed in preparation for the long journey to Keswick .
29 Three miles to the west , near the village of Austerlitz , ninety thousand Russian and Hapsburg troops faced a slightly smaller number of French in preparation for the decisive battle of the campaign .
30 Unmarried young people , male and female alike , provide a labour force upon which all adults of the communal house may draw , a preparation for the general co-operation upon which the Piaroa place such value among adults within the community .
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